will only sell electric cars I There is the date, everything confirmed now

will only sell electric cars I There is the date, everything confirmed now
will only sell electric cars I There is the date, everything confirmed now

Fiat has now decided and has also given the official date. It will produce only and exclusively cars with electric motors.

The car market is changing very quickly. The guidelines were dictated by the dear European Union, which decided that member states must abolish the CO2 emissions and to do this they must undertake specific paths. One of these is the introduction of electric cars.

The latter are not very popular with Italian motorists who do not view them with much confidence. A series of factors have cooperated in a situation of this kind which has led to skepticism skyrocketing.

In recent months they have told us of cars catching fire, of high costs for the purchase of cars, but also of absurd prices for spare parts, not to mention the mechanics who don’t seem ready for the change. A picture certainly not encouraging.

But whether we like it or not, electric cars will soon be the only reality in the world automotive world. Obviously, combustion engine cars will continue to be present on the market, at least until the stocks of those that have already been produced are completely exhausted and those that will be until the car manufacturers completely convert their production.

Fiat has already chosen

In the meantime, Fiat is riding high the wave of change and she certainly didn’t shy away from the need to completely change her work. So in the perspective of a different future you have decided to stop the production of some cars and introduce others.

Just in the last few months the market has seen the arrival of new 600which is inspired by the brand’s old iconic car and will soon make room for the new Panda, in its hybrid and electric version. The next cars that will leave the factories will preferably be electric while waiting for the future.

Electric Fiat – font_depositphotos – targetmotori.com

Since when did Fiat decide that its cars will all be electric?

Fiat is firmly projected towards the future and this is possible thanks to a very specific organizational plan. This will lead to the definitive transition to fully electric production in 2030. Just perfectly in line with the European projects.

We remind you that the European Union has set 2035 as the year in which it will switch to full electric production for all cars. Obviously, barring last-minute changes.

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