it can cost dearly Gazzetta di Modena

Everywhere we go to purchase medicines, services, pay for visits, school and university fees, rather than transport season tickets and so on and so forth, together with the money, often with substantial outlays, we are asked to provide our tax code.

An operation that these days shows all its usefulness. They are in fact available on the portalRevenue Agency the pre-compiled tax returns and simplified information for Italians, with all these deductible expenses already loaded: data held by the Agency, or sent by external bodies, such as employers, pharmacies, healthcare companies, universities and banks.
In total the information transmitted for the 2024 season (2023 income) are approx one billion and 300 million.

In the top five of the deductible expenses loaded on our declarations stand out as always health costs (over 1 billion tax documents), insurance premiums (98 million data), the unique certifications of employees and self-employed (75 million), the transfers for renovations (10 million) and the interest on mortgages (9 million).

Among the new features this year, the data relating to reimbursements for the “view bonus”, those sent by pediatric nurses and those relating to subscriptions to local public transport.

All items that are added to those already present in previous years: social security contributions, university expenses, nursery school expenses, renovation work, donations, etc.

Therefore all the expenses incurred by us, which fall into the category of deductible expensesif correctly communicated by those who received our payments, make their appearance and contribute to calculating the exact amount of our taxes and deductions.


Theoretically this new service is a sort of “paradise” for the user capable of relieving him from hassles, doubts, compilation errors, forgotten or lost receipts. You enter the portal and with a few clicks the Revenue Agency guides you and informs you if it is necessary to pay other taxes or, especially for employees and those with dependent children, how much you are owed. And if you’re happy with this amount it can also be a sort of “thirteenth” off-season.
So once you have completed the quick process, just click on “send the declaration” and you’re done. Time taken: a few minutes.

Everything OK? Not exactly. In fact, theory clashes with practice. And practice in this case means errors or, better yet, incomplete or unreported data. Yes, because the news recently came out that as many as 3 million pre-compiled 730 forms provided by the Revenue Agency were found to be incorrect, perhaps better said, incomplete or in need of correction. What happened? As is known, the Agency creates the pre-compiled 730 by collecting tax information from several private entities (such as consultants, employers, etc.) and from public bodies (such as the INPS). But it happens that he has not entered all the data relating to the individual’s position, for example in 55% of the cases that emerged the error concerned the failure to recognize deductions for dependent family members. Because the son was not included among the family members. Or, another case, the Agency detects anomalies in the carry-over of pension and employee days, which are essential for obtaining the relevant deduction. Fortunately, all these unclear situations are marked in orange with the formula “blocking error”, that is, it prevents sending if you do not open and enter the requested data, or confirm what is reported. In short, an error that must be corrected directly from the taxpayer.

So don’t worry, the service is valid, but be very, very careful. The important thing is not to get caught up in the frenzy of sending the declaration immediately, but if you believe you have the skills to do it yourself, proceed step by step, reading each message, especially those relating to the corrections to be made, or items to be integrated. Otherwise it is definitely better to go to your accountant or contact the CAAF, obtaining all the documents necessary for the tax return. In this way it will be possible to cross-reference the data entered automatically by the Revenue Agency with those in your possession and correct the declaration. Only at this point can you proceed with sending.

And there’s another new thing. From this year, those who present form 730, before sending the declaration, will be able to select the “no substitute” option to request to receive any reimbursement directly from the Agency, even in the presence of an employer or pension institution required to carry out the adjustments.
The option is valid even if a debt emerges from the declaration. In this case, the taxpayer who sends the form directly will be able to make the payment via the same online application: the procedure allows the F24 to be debited to the same Iban indicated for the refund. Alternatively, it is also possible to print the pre-filled F24 and proceed with the payment using the ordinary methods.


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