Chocolate on clothes and sofas: with this trick they go away forever | No more detergents: use only natural products

Chocolate stains –

Have you stained your clothes or your sofa with chocolate? Don’t worry, here are some remedies to solve the problem.

The chocolate has always met everyone’s tastes. Both adults and children are not always able to refuse a piece of this tasty food. This is also because it is a concentrate of happiness and some scientific research also says so.

There are therefore many positive sides of chocolate but at the same time there is a small problem when eating this precious food. The chocolate in fact, it tends to dissolve immediately and stain first the hands and then the fabrics. A real disaster given that these stains are really difficult to eliminate but in this sense some grandmother’s tricks can come to our aid.

Chocolate stains, how to eliminate them: first you have to recognize them

It can undoubtedly happen to adults too but it is especially children who cause small disasters when it comes to chocolate. In fact, it is not unusual to find children’s clothes covered in chocolate stains or the sofas on which they sat to consume this delicious food. In any case they are really stains difficult to put away and often simply washing in the washing machine is not enough.

For this reason we now want to give you some useful but above all completely natural suggestions. These vary depending on the type of stain that is, if it is fresh, if it is dry or if it is present on clothes or on the sofa and carpet but let’s see what it is.

Remedies against chocolate –

How to remove chocolate from fabrics: some suggestions

As we have said, there are different types of stains to treat. If this occurs fresh, we must first dab the part with a damp cloth, then dab with ice and rub to eliminate residues. Alternatively you can also use flour or talcum powder to dab, rub and then wash. If instead the stain is now dry, you can use bicarbonate of soda combined with dish detergent as a first wash, then apply vinegar, rinse and wash. Alternatively you can first wash with water and salt and then with dish detergent.

When instead we find a chocolate stain on the Sofa, we must first dab the area with ammonia diluted in water, then rinse with water and detergent but avoid wetting the fabric too much. However, if you find a stain on the rugfirst you have to vacuum clean and then apply stain remover or vinegar and scrub with the help of a toothbrush.

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