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Books with stars, an edition full of new features

Books with stars, an edition full of new features
Books with stars, an edition full of new features

Everything is ready for the fifth edition of the literary review “Books with the Stars”, organized by the cultural association Book Faces. On July 4th and 5th, great and exciting stories will be told under the stars of the Arena Pincio.

“Books with the Stars” changes its format completely this year, remaining as always free for all those who participate. The summer 2024 edition will take place on two consecutive dates: Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July, starting at 9:30 pm at the Arena del Pincio in Civitavecchia.
In addition to hosting writers from the national literary world, the two events will also feature some musical interludes, performed by well-known faces from the local music scene.
Coming to the programs of the two dates, Thursday 4th the theme of the evening will be the
“Female fiction” and for this occasion the writers Tea Ranno, Simona Baldelli and Viviana Picchiarelli will be guests with their latest literary works. The evening will be hosted by Tonia Bardellino, a face already known for having appeared in various RAI television programmes, and Manola Maccarini, partner of Book Faces. During the evening, some pieces suited to the topic under discussion will be performed, curated by Anthony Caruana and Eleonora Bernabei.
The evening of Friday, July 5 will be hosted by Gino Saladini and will be an opportunity to delve into two genres that have always fascinated many readers: Crime Fiction and Noir. The writers Marco De Franchi, Gian Luca Campagna and Franco Limardi will be on stage with their latest novels. The musical interventions of the evening will be performed by maestro Felice Tazzini and Gino Fedeli.
During the two evenings, it will be possible to purchase the books thanks to the presence of the Dettagli bookshop, which will take care of the sales.
A huge thank you goes to the supporters, old and new, who accompany Book Faces in the organization of “Books with the Stars”, showing sensitivity towards the literary events that the association has been carrying out for years. In particular, the Ca.Ri.Civ. Foundation, Unindustria Civitavecchia, Tecnofit srl, Akros Bioscience, Civitavecchia Rugby Centumcellae, Farmacia Palombo, Nausica srl, Minosse srl, Gruppo Immobiliare Bisozzi, Bellettieri & Co. Srl, B&B Villino Emanuele, ITES Immobiliare , VIP Club Gym and DIEFFE srl.

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