ALMOST LIVING The digital world from A to Z




The digital world from A to Z

edited by Felice Cimatti

and Angela Maiello

The digital media in which we are completely immersed today are not alive like a cat or a tree, but they are not simple things either.

Published by Codice Edizioni Almost living. The digital world from A to Z edited by Felice Cimatti and Angela Maiello. A volume that explores the universe of digital media, offering a new perspective on how these have become an inseparable part of our existence.

The digital media in which we are completely immersed today are not alive like a cat or a tree, but they are not simple things either. They represent a reality perceived as more real than what the real world once was. Like living entities, digital media live – or “almost live” – according to digital logics that escape us, driven by complex and hidden algorithms.

The book Almost living is structured around 21 keywords, one for each letter of the alphabet: starting from Haptic up to Zoonosis, passing through Beauty, Knowledge, Emoji, Fake news, Intimacy, Language, Cloud, Memory, Human, Viral and many others. Through these words, the authors offer a map to orient yourself in this strange hybrid world we live in, combining different disciplinary perspectives – from philosophy to film theory, from neuroscience to sociology.

Felice Cimatti And Angela Maiello guide readers through the complexity of digital media, revealing how they are programmed entities, dependent on connections and electricity. Their programmed lives manifest themselves in ways that often escape us, but their influence on our daily lives is undeniable.

Almost living It is a book that makes you understand better the relationship we have in today’s era with technology and digital media, the authors with their gaze offer the critical tools to navigate the modern world. It is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how digital media is shaping our perception of reality and influencing our behavior.


FELICE CIMATTI teaches semiotics and theory of languages ​​at the University of Calabria.

ANGELA MAIELLO teaches cinema and media theory at the University of Calabria.


SIZE: 14 x 21 cm (paperback with flaps) | PAGES: 272 | PRICE: Euro 19.00

ISBN: 979-12-5450-107-8


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