Elena Ravizza, “Oyster experience” – The Parallel Vision – 10 years with you!

Elena Ravizza, “Oyster experience” – The Parallel Vision – 10 years with you!
Elena Ravizza, “Oyster experience” – The Parallel Vision – 10 years with you!

A journey through the mysteries and gifts of the sea investigating and discovering one of its most enigmatic inhabitants, the oyster

Books 2024: Elena Ravizza, “Oyster experience” (Trenta Editore)

Is titled “Oyster experience” one of the latest books released in bookstores for Thirty Publisher and signed by Elena Ravizza.

A journey through the mysteries and gifts of the sea investigating and discovering one of its most enigmatic inhabitants, the oyster.

This seafood is not just a food, but offers true sensory experiences.

Oyster experience” talks about how to approach oysters through the 5 senses, creating a moment of connection with nature itself.

Books: “Oyster experience” by Elena Ravizza

Inside every oyster there is a story that is revealed here with the art of cooking with respect for a food that not only nourishes the body, but also the soul.

The text includes a part expertly dedicated to recipes for experiencing oysters at 360°.

And to really try to familiarize yourself with this element also through its taste.

The recipe for tapioca wafer with purple carrots, steamed oyster, saffron fennel cream, beetroot powder

To make the waffle, place the tapioca pearls in a saucepan and cover them with the purple carrot extract obtained with an extractor or centrifuge.

Add a few drops of lemon and leave to simmer for about ten minutes, until the mixture has a sticky consistency.

Spread everything out on baking paper and leave to dry for 3 hours at 80°C in a dryer or in the oven.

Once completely dry, dip the resulting wafer into a saucepan with boiling oil at 180°C.

You will notice that it will swell instantly.

Drain and leave to dry on absorbent paper.

Boil the fennels and blend them with a few saffron pistils, a pinch of salt and their cooking water to obtain the sauce. Then keep aside.

Blend the pre-cooked beets, spread a thin layer of puree on baking paper with a spatula and leave it to dry in the dehydrator or in the oven for 3 hours at 55°C.

Once you have the pod, put it into pieces in a coffee grinder and blend until you obtain the powder.

Place the oysters still closed in a steamer, or in a pan with water on the bottom.

Cook until the oysters open, it will take a few minutes.

Once ready, remove them from the shell and place them on the wafer, add the saffron fennel cream and the beetroot powder.

If available, also a few sprigs of sea grapes.

The author

Elena Ravizza was born in Milan where he studied in Communication and Marketing.

The passion for the sea, which has always been a common thread in his life, has become a central element in his profession.

A fondness for oysters guided her towards I.WAI Fooda family-run company in the fishing sector.

The recipe curator

Viviana Spanuoloa chef of Milanese origin, has been a business consultant for years.

Until he finally follows his true passion, gastronomy.

He is also a teacher of cooking courses and Food Ambassadors For I.WAI FOOD.

Book sheet

  • Title: “Oyester experience. Oysters and passions: a romantic journey through the senses ”
  • Author: Elena Ravizza
  • Editions: Thirty
  • Pages: 160
  • EUR: 6.00 pm

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