“The beast that wants to eat the Constitution”, Paolo Berizzi presents his latest book

“The beast that wants to eat the Constitution”, Paolo Berizzi presents his latest book
“The beast that wants to eat the Constitution”, Paolo Berizzi presents his latest book

A meeting born in the wake of the “Via Maestra, together for the Constitution” which sees CGIL of Piacenza, Anpi, Arci and the Articolo21 association organize a moment of reflection on the advance of the far right and on the constitutional reforms that risk distorting the institutional structure of the country. It is to denounce this slope that the Chamber of Labor – CGIL of Piacenza, Anpi, Arci and Articolo21 are organising, on Monday 24 June 2024, at 5.45 pm, the public meeting in the Nelson Mandela hall entitled: “The beast that wants to eat the Constitution”. The journalist and writer Paolo Berizzi, correspondent for La Repubblica and forced to live under guard due to neo-fascist threats, will be in Piacenza and will present his latest book “The return of the beast. How this government has awakened the worst of Italy”, in dialogue with Pier Luigi Bersani, former minister and president of the Historical Institute of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age of Piacenza, and the national spokesperson of Articolo21, Giuseppe Giulietti. «It’s called “customs clearance”, or “normalisation”. It could be said that we are faced with a precise path, one that unites discriminatory, patriarchal and unspeakable fascist impulses (except in some chats), with illiberal, quick and two-faced political figures: poisoners of squares and wells, sowers of hatred and theatrics of victimhood who attempt, on the other hand, to pass off as “necessary” constitutional reforms capable of bringing Italy closer to Orban’s Hungary with an unparalleled leap.” «Normalization transforms what was intolerable into tolerable, what is morally extraordinary into ordinary, that is, it allows us to digest what was once intolerable, leading us to believe that it has always been this way. The normalization of fascist ideology is making accusations of “fascism” appear excessive even in societies where politics is taking this dangerous turn”, comment the organizers. The day will be coordinated by the editorial director of Libertà, Piacenza’s newspaper, Gian Luca Rocco.

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