Inside the backpack. Iacopo Maccioni presents his book in the Secret Garden of the Toscanalibri Court

Inside the backpack. Iacopo Maccioni presents his book in the Secret Garden of the Toscanalibri Court
Inside the backpack. Iacopo Maccioni presents his book in the Secret Garden of the Toscanalibri Court

Inside the backpack. Iacopo Maccioni presents his book in the Secret Garden of the Court

Siena on 06/06/2024 – Editorial team

A moving and cruel story, which excites and shocks. It is “Inside the backpack” (Giovane Holden), the book by Iacopo Maccioni which will be presented on Friday 7 June at 5.30 pm in Siena, in the Limonaia of the Secret Garden of the Court of Siena (entrance from via del Romitorio 4). The professor will present the book Peter Clement. Readings by Lucia Burzimusical accompaniment by the Marini – Golini duo.

The volume – We are at the end of the Seventies, the dust of the Second World War has cleared, but not the questions about its most terrible pages. Germany questions itself on how it was led to the great work of conscious, scientific extermination. The facts are reconstructed, the protagonists are sought, responsibilities are attributed. This is done with rigorous procedures, which must be a moral response even before a historical one. Julia testifies in the trial against Helmine Reyes, the supervisor of the Ravensbrück concentration camp who danced macabrely on the bodies of prisoners, known in the stories of survivors as the Majdanek Mare. Thousands died under his steel boots. Julia worked as a nurse in Ravensbrück. There, she and Helmine stood side by side for a long time. And Helmine knows her, understands her, admires her, and more. Together they served the Reich, they did it for the Nation, for Science, for History. Nothing in their eyes was more correct, right, natural. And alongside the trial in the courts of law, there is a parallel one, quieter and more extreme, which takes place in the communities of men, where victims and executioners meet again.

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