A Beautiful Girl, the autobiographical book by Ornella Vanoni

A Beautiful Girl, the autobiographical book by Ornella Vanoni
A Beautiful Girl, the autobiographical book by Ornella Vanoni

Ornella Vanonione of the brightest icons of Italian music and theatre, has decided to tell his extraordinary life story in a book in an autobiography entitled A Beautiful Girl: My Life“.

Vanoni gives us an astonishing, self-deprecating and sincere story of his life, leaving no room for indifference.

A Beautiful Girl: My Life it is much more than a book: it is a work that reflects the extraordinary life of Ornella Vanoni, a life made of passions, successes, loves and challenges.

It is a journey through theater and music, a story that leads us to discover the soul of a woman who was able to conquer and fascinate generations of Italians.

Reading this autobiography means immersing yourself in the story of one of the greatest Italian artists, a story that continues to excite and inspire.

In her autobiographical book, Ornella Vanoni shows us how she faced challenges, how she was able to get up after every fall and how she found the strength to continue creating, to excite, to live.

The narration is fluid, enriched by anecdotes and reflections that offer an intimate and personal look at the life of Ornella Vanoni.

His capacity for self-irony, the sincerity with which he recounts difficult moments and joys, make this book an engaging and inspiring read.

A beautiful girl

Book Synopsis

“Vanoni is a woman who has kept many Italians awake at night,” Gianni Minoli said some time ago.

With that “amber” voice, that “negra” body, that extraordinary nonchalance with which she passed through the storms of daily existence, she was the object of desire of several generations of men. But she is also a woman appreciated by women.

Her freedom in following what her heart commands and in saying what her mind suggests has made her a symbol of female emancipation, always expressed with natural elegance. She is an artist who still dominates the stage, giving emotions like she did at the beginning of her career.

A personality that still manages to get people talking about him, arousing admiration or controversy, never indifference.

In this autobiography, written by four hands and one voice, Vanoni’s life appears exactly for what it is: an astonishing, self-deprecating, sincere story, without a moment’s respite.

An enviable life, worthy of Ornella’s immense talent. A wealthy family.

The debut-revelation at the theater with “The Idiot” by Achard. About her Her love story with the giant Giorgio Strehler, and then many other loves, some special, others impossible, still others in “paso doble”, as she says.

Lots of theatre with the best of Italian prose, from Gigi Proietti to Giorgio Albertazzi.

Lots of music, starting from the songs of the mob up to the collaboration with the greatest of Italian song, Paoli, Tenco and Sergio Bardotti.

Ornella Vanoni, a timeless artist

Gianni Minoliin a statement full of admiration, declared: “Vanoni is a woman who has taken away the sleep of many Italians.”

With her unmistakable and sensual voice, and a magnetic stage presence, Ornella Vanoni has weathered the storms of life with extraordinary nonchalance.

Her ability to express herself freely, both in following her heart and in giving voice to her thoughts, has made her a symbol of female emancipation.

The professional relationship with Franco Califano

Another significant chapter in Ornella Vanoni’s musical career is represented by her professional relationship with Franco Califano.

Califano, a well-known singer-songwriter, poet and lyricist, has contributed significantly to defining an important part of Vanoni’s repertoire. The collaboration between the two has been intense and fruitful, uniting Califano’s poignant and realistic poetics with Ornella Vanoni’s deep and sensual voice.

Their artistic harmony has given life to songs that have entered the history of Italian music, characterized by profound lyrics and enveloping melodies.

Califano’s ability to write lyrics that touched intimate and universal chords, together with Vanoni’s unique interpretation, created a perfect combination.

The songs written by Franco Califano for Ornella Vanoni still represent an important part of Italian musical history today.

The collaboration between these two great artists has produced unforgettable songs that continue to thrill audiences with their depth and beauty.

Below we recall some of the most significant songs that Califano wrote for Vanoni:

“The music is over”

One of the most famous songs in Ornella Vanoni’s discography, “La musica è finite” was written by Franco Califano together with Umberto Bindi and Nisa (pseudonym of Nicola Salerno). This song is a timeless classic, characterized by a poignant melody and lyrics that tell the story of the end of a love, masterfully interpreted by Vanoni’s sensual voice.

“One more reason”

Written by Franco Califano together with Mino Reitano and Franco Reitano, “Unareasonimore” is another iconic song performed by Ornella Vanoni.

The touching lyrics and the enveloping melody make this song a classic of Italian music, which talks about a tormented love and the search for a reason to continue living despite the pain.


Although “L’impresa” was mainly written by Bruno Lauzi, the Italian version of the song saw the contribution of Franco Califano.

The song became another great success for Vanoni, with lyrics that express anticipation and hope for a love match, underlined by the singer’s warm interpretation.

“Tomorrow is another day”

Another significant song in Vanoni’s repertoire is “Domani è un altro giorno,” which talks about the end of a relationship and hope for the future. Franco Califano contributed his skill as a lyricist to create an intense text that, combined with the melody, manages to evoke a strong sense of resilience and hope.


“Più” is a song that highlights Califano’s ability to write poetic and profound lyrics. Performed by Ornella Vanoni, this song explores the themes of love and nostalgia, becoming one of the most appreciated pieces by the singer’s fans.

“Don’t Tell Me Anything”

This song, written by Franco Califano, is another gem in Ornella Vanoni’s repertoire. The lyrics explore feelings of disillusionment and internal reflection, with Vanoni’s voice conveying a palpable and profound emotion.

Between theater and music

The theater was Ornella Vanoni’s first great artistic love. Her debut in Achard’s “The Idiot” marked the beginning of a brilliant career that saw her collaborate with the biggest names in Italian prose. With Giorgio Strehler, she created unforgettable moments on stage, demonstrating a versatility and interpretative depth that have made her one of the most appreciated actresses on the Italian theater scene.

But it is in music that Ornella Vanoni found her most authentic voice. From the songs of the mob, which marked her musical debut, to the collaborations with artists of the caliber of Gino Paoli e Luigi TencoVanoni has been able to constantly reinvent and innovate itself.

His ability to interpret with intensity and passion has made each song a small masterpiece, capable of touching the soul of those who listen to it.

An intense love life

Ornella Vanoni’s love life was as vibrant as her career. Her love affair with Giorgio Strehler, one of the pillars of Italian theater, was one of the most significant relationships of her life.

But Vanoni didn’t stop there: she experienced many other loves, some special, others impossible, describing her relationships with the same intensity with which she sings her songs.

Her ability to fully experience emotions and transform them into art is one of the characteristics that make her unique. Vanoni has always followed her heart, regardless of the consequences, and this has made her a model of freedom and authenticity for many women.

His life was a constant “paso doble”, a dance between joys and difficulties, lived with natural grace and unparalleled strength.

An artistic legacy

Ornella Vanoni continues to be a central figure in the Italian artistic panorama.

His voice, his stage presence, his ability to thrill have remained unchanged over time.

Even today, each of his performances is an event, capable of capturing the public’s attention and arousing deep emotions.

In “A Beautiful Girl: My Life”, Vanoni offers us a sincere and passionate portrait of herself, showing us the woman behind the artist, with all her fragilities and her extraordinary strength.

It is a reading that leaves its mark, that inspires and that celebrates a life lived in the name of art and authenticity.

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