“A child, a teacher, a pen and a book” can change the world”

“A child, a teacher, a pen and a book” can change the world”
“A child, a teacher, a pen and a book” can change the world”

TERMOLI. The Termoli Host Lions Club, through the president Domenico Fabbiano and the Past President Nicola Ricciuti, together with the head teacher of the “Achille Pace” comprehensive institute, Luana Occhionero, have organized the Service “A child, a teacher, a pen and a book” can change the world.

The inauguration ceremony of the library took place on the morning of last Friday, 28 June, in the presence of a large group of students, teachers and parents. The Termoli Host Lions Club donated the furnishings (shelves, tables and chairs), enhancing an area of ​​the school that was previously disused and presenting a “treasure” present in it: books.

The library, which collects more than 1,200 volumes, will be an environment dedicated not only to reading but also to listening and meeting between different generations. For the occasion, a plaque was affixed in memory of the initiative.

How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


How to change the world at school


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