the debate of ideas comes alive to enhance diversity of thought

the debate of ideas comes alive to enhance diversity of thought
the debate of ideas comes alive to enhance diversity of thought

From Del Debbio to Padellaro, from the world of sport to civil testimonies to festivals. There are as many people as there are initiatives in recent days in support of the programming of Taurianova Capitale del Libro which are giving rise to a fermented debate of ideas all united under the name of the book.

Attention and laudable initiatives also from local institutions: the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria reiterated the importance of the recognition obtained by the town of the Piana di Gioia Tauro as a “national showcase capable of giving value and evidence to the extraordinary cultural and landscape heritage present throughout the metropolitan area”, as stated in a note from Metrocity.

Also important is the donation of three thousand euros for the purchase of books for children to be allocated to the municipal library received from the guarantor for children and adolescence of the Calabria Region Antonio Marziale, thus contributing to the promotion of reading as a tool to combat educational poverty .

“It is truly a beautiful period for our community – commented the mayor of Taurianova Rocco Biasi -. I am very happy with the institutional alliance that is taking shape between the local municipalities, the metropolitan city and the Calabria region.

A synergy heralding truly important results that I am sure we will achieve during this year and which will be the foundations on which we will build the cultural future of our land. There are many events taking place in these days full of different themes, even from an ideological point of view.

I am firmly convinced that true wealth lies in confrontation with people who have ideas different from one’s own. I mainly invite young people to seize these precious opportunities, to take part in our events. At the end of this year I am sure we will all be culturally richer.”

Ideological diversity and institutional synergies, but also and above all a large network of associations, led by Annamaria Fazzari, president of the Council of Associations, which nourish the territory, such as Villaggio Sud Agrifest, which concluded yesterday, and at the end of the month the arrival of the Infiorata of Taurianova – from 21 to 23 June.

“For us it is essential to stimulate the interest of a large audience, of multiple audiences, so that a debate and a comparison can be generated, aimed at building a new narrative, among the main objectives – commented Maria Fedele, councilor for culture of Taurianova and director of Taurianova Italian Capital of the Book -. We are addressing many issues ranging from sport to art, from reflections on the agri-food chain and technological innovations in the sector, to centuries-old traditions such as that of the infiorata and the Madonnari, without neglecting important ones. moments of confrontation with different political ideologies. We have chosen to rely on the unique power of books and culture to improve the social fabric of the territory”.

On Friday the Villaggio Sud Agrifest cooperation festival, an event twinned with Taurianova Italian Capital of the Book 2024, welcomed the journalist Antonio Padellaro who presented his latest book “Solo la vera, lo giuro”, in which he reconstructs the latest fifty years of history of Italian journalism. An intimate and sincere diary, made up of confessions, reflections and revelations, often explosive and very bitter, in which the author, with the irony – and self-irony – that distinguish him, tells the mechanisms that govern the news and the background that often they accompany him. Dialogue with the author is the journalist and writer Marco Lupis.

The Villa Comunale hosted the presentation of the book “In nome della Libertà” by Paolo Del Debbio. In dialogue with the journalist Michel Dessì, the essayist, journalist and television presenter reflected on the political legacy of Silvio Berlusconi, one of the most emblematic figures in contemporary history, analyzing the values ​​that determined his entry into the field and, subsequently, his long Berlusconi season, decisively marking the recent past, present and future of Italian politics.

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