Books, cinema, games and homage to Piero Chiara: a rich “North in Yellow” in Varese

Books, cinema, games and homage to Piero Chiara: a rich “North in Yellow” in Varese
Books, cinema, games and homage to Piero Chiara: a rich “North in Yellow” in Varese
Gianandrea Redaelli and Enzo Laforgia present the festival

VARESE – Not just a literary festival: the third edition of “North in Yellow” wants to offer a broad and varied program suitable for different types of audiences. At the center of the initiative promoted by the Municipality of Varese there is always the mystery, noir and detective genre book, with 12 protagonist authors, but from here we start a journey that involves multiple worlds (in the video below the interview with councilor Laforgia).

Meetings with the authors

From May 17th to 19th There will be different ways to describe the north of the country, starting from the most classic one: meetings with the authors and their novels. It will be there Building of culture (Sala Montanari) in via dei Bersaglieri to host the events in its internal and external spaces, which will all be free to enter. We start on Friday 17th with Alessandro Berselli at 6pm, followed at 6.45pm by Stefano Cosmo and at 7.30pm from Piero Colaprico. It continues on Saturday 18th at 5pm with Paolo Roversiat 5.45pm with Laura Veroni and at 6.30 pm with Maurizio Blini. So it ends on Sunday 19th with Ben Pastor at 5pm, Giovanna Franco Repellini at 5.30pm, Gian Andrea Cerone at 6 pm Piergiorgio Pulixi at 6.30pm.

From gaming to cinema

The first two days will open with events dedicated to a young audience, with Junior Yellowwhich proposes a meeting with for Friday at 5pm Lucia Stipari and Saturday at 4pm Lucia Vaccarino. The three evenings will instead be themed: starting on Friday with “Il Gioco in Giallo”, an evening dedicated to detective themed board games with Crazy Comics & Games at 8pm and 10pm (event by reservation on eventbrite). Then on Saturday at 9pm “Il Giallo a Teatro” with Night greetings from the Cisa passa theatrical reading that stages the mystery novel of Piero Chiara. Sunday at 9pm “Il Giallo al Cinema” with the screening of a film noir by the director Carlo Mazzacurati, Italian nighton the tenth anniversary of his death.

The invitation to the people of Varese

The event, which also has an outside festival (here is the complete program) therefore wants to address spectators of various ages, from children to adults, as was illustrated today, Thursday 9 May, during the presentation at Palazzo Estense. «In the show about Chiara we talk about a cold case that has links to Varese», said the culture councilor Enzo Laforgia. Gianandrea Redaelli spoke about the events dedicated to crime fiction for children, which will not be the usual book presentations but which will directly involve young spectators. «Kids like yellow and there are many important Italian authors. During the two meetings we will bring the mystery to life.”

north in Varese yellow – MALPENSA24

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