Giuseppe Rivadossi, the vital timeless research of an authentic artist

A collective embrace of many enthusiasts, friends, collectors, artists gathered around Giuseppe Rivadossi on the occasion of the opening of the personal exhibition organized at Engraving Gallery to present his recent works.

In the historic gallery of Chiara Fasser who welcomed her work for the first time almost fifty years ago, in 1975, triggering an uninterrupted relationship of collaboration and friendship, the sculptor originally from Nave, excellence in the contemporary artistic panorama, brings a selection of works created in the last two years. There are around twenty sculptures in wood, bronze and plaster which, in their mutual relationship and with the environments of the exhibition space, demonstrate how its expressive tension has not been affected by the passage of time.

There were many who wandered around the spaces of via Bezzecca to admire the very recent fruits of a long and still surprisingly vital creative productionbut also to shake his hand and exchange a few words with him, who at almost eighty-nine years of age continues to tenaciously cultivate his original poetic vision, always aimed at conveying the sense of a necessary reconciliation with life and with the whole of which we are part.

Flanked by his wife Marisa and his sons Emanuele and Clemente who replaced him at the helm of the company historic Habito shopwhere the wooden furniture-sculptures that for decades have transformed living spaces into unique spaces, custodians of daily beauty and harmony, come to life, Giuseppe allowed himself to be surrounded by the esteem, affection and curiosity of dozens of people.

Supported by a stick finely shaped with his incomparable woodworking technique, he did not deny greetings, memories, handshakes: the natural courtesies of those who have learned to smooth the roughness of an angular character, thanks to a profound feeling of humanity . He didn’t deny even witty jokes and comments of lucid and disenchanted irony. But as for his words, she preferred to sip them and entrust to his sculptures that powerful communicative value that is typical of a work of art.

«These works, compared to the previous ones, have their own reason to be seen – he let slip – behind them there is a precise thought that once again concerns man and life». «We are inside a fact of becoming that is wonderful, that vital fact that is renewed every day. Just like life, these works also have a beginning, but they never end.”

A production, therefore, which is part of the vision of the master who, over the course of time and in the multiplicity of experiments and stylistic solutions in the treatment of themes, repeated, rethought and updated in traditional or freer and more modern ways, never stops to identify art first and foremost as a vital process that contributes to giving meaning to the present, in the recovery of eternal values ​​that have to do with the sacredness of existence and with the harmony and balance that can only arise from authenticity of live”.

They are explicitly called Eikon, i.e. images, land new poetic structures that stand out peremptorily in space and time and they seem to want to compensate with beauty for the denial of an interior space and time imposed by the convulsive and superficial rhythms of contemporary reality. They are like writings of shapes and signs, in which we see an unprecedented tenderness of the gesture that generates precious luminous textures.

They are symbolic presences firmly linked to nature and the earth, but inclined and pushed upwards in a tension of lines and volumes that transport the totemic solidity of certain proofs of the past onto a new plane of lightness that turns towards the sky. They suggest an ascending trajectory towards which to direct gazes and intentions. The exhibition, curated by Emanuele Rivadossi and Caterina Fasser, with texts in the catalog by Giovanni Gazzaneo and Paolo Gallizioli, will be open until 10 July (Galleria dell’Incisione, via Bezzecca 4, from Tuesday to Sunday 5-8pm).

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