In the Lecce area, votive shrines welcome contemporary art

Among the most recognizable characteristic elements of the urban fabric of our cities, votive aedicules still line the streets of many Italian villages today, tangible signs of an ancient cultural and religious tradition that survives the passage of time. A few days ago the Municipality of Parabita, in the province of Lecce, launched Votiva, the initiative which aims to transform the town’s votive aedicules into exhibition spaces for site-specific works created by contemporary artists of different backgrounds and backgrounds: an event which, in the words of the mayor, Stefano Prete, aims to “create opportunities for amazement and create a true generator of beauty, which takes shape as a contemporary art collection for everyone and within everyone’s reach”. CONTEMPORARY ART ” INVADE” THE STREETS OF PARABITA Winding through the historic center of the village, the exhibition itinerary accompanies visitors on the rediscovery of urban spaces, presenting sixteen works of art placed inside as many ancient stations of prayer and devotion. Under the artistic direction of Giovanni Lamorgese and with the curatorship of Laura Perrone and Flaminia Bonino, the Votiva project presents works by artists such as Ludovica Carbotta, the Claire Fontaine collective, Francesco Arena, Mimmo Paladino and Michelangelo Pistoletto, author of a site-specific work specific which will be inaugurated in July. Through their creations, the artists involved enhance the cultural heritage of the village, inspiring in the public a spark of beauty and healthy wonder, and underlining the great value of the spiritual tradition still alive in many areas of our country.A PROJECT VOTED TO ARTISTIC REDEVELOPMENTThe works , conceived for the occasion, make up an artistic itinerary that crosses the village, enhancing the limited spaces of the votive aedicules, witnesses of popular spirituality, and making them opportunities for regeneration of the urban fabric in an artistic and contemporary key. The first appointment of an event that aims to renew itself with new editions in the future, Votiva creates a dialogue between past and present, offering a new vision of contemporary art as a vital element in the care and renewal of the community.[Immagine in apertura: Claire Fontaine, Wishing painting (Votiva), 2024, intervento site-specific | site-specific installation, acrilico su tela, magneti e centesimi | acrylic on canvas, magnets and pennies, cm 61,5 x 40 » Via Coltura 34]

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