Father Buela, founder of the Incarnate Word, has died

Father Buela, founder of the Incarnate Word, has died
Father Buela, founder of the Incarnate Word, has died

On 23 April at 15.40, Father Carlos Miguel Buela, founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word and of the Institute “Servants of the Lord and of the Virgin of Matarà” died in the hospital of Genoa. Both Institutes have a contemplative and an apostolic branch and, in the space of almost 40 years, they find themselves on mission on five continents with about 3,000 religious, ready to leave for the most disparate places, often those “where nobody wants to go” (I think for example to the only Catholic parish priest in the Gaza Strip or to the nuns of Aleppo).

The figure of the “Religious Family of the Incarnate Word” is the holy joy and family spirit that unites its members and attracts more and more young people, so much so that its vocations have almost tripled in recent years.

Being “essentially missionaries and Marian” their apostolates take place in parishes, schools, hospitals, homes for the disabled, orphans and the elderly. There is no shortage of initiatives in favor of families and young people, through the Oratory, camps and training meetings during which you can admire many young people intent on playing, dancing but also deepening their faith, praying and experiencing Eucharistic adoration, even nocturnal. Demonstrating that the Catholic faith does not cease to be attractive for young people too, when it is witnessed and lived with evangelical radicalism.

Certainly the death of Father Buela represents a great pain for the male and female members of the Institute who, even without any cult of personality, completely alien to the mentality of the founder, recognize in him a father and a teacher who was able to indicate a path full of fruits and blessings.

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