Ukraine, Putin: ‘We don’t need nuclear power to win’. Peskov to Macron: ‘Ready to go to war, there will be nothing good’

Ukraine, Putin: ‘We don’t need nuclear power to win’. Peskov to Macron: ‘Ready to go to war, there will be nothing good’
Ukraine, Putin: ‘We don’t need nuclear power to win’. Peskov to Macron: ‘Ready to go to war, there will be nothing good’

“We don’t need the nuclear weapons to reach the final victory in Ukraine”. Vladimir Putin speaks at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum: on the use of nuclear weapons “I start from the assumption that the world will never get to this point“, added the Russian president. Russia, he assures, “is not brandishing” nuclear weapons as a threat, but “the use of such weapons is possible only in exceptional cases, which have not yet occurred”. A long speech that comes a few hours after the spokesperson’s response Dmitry Peskov to Thursday’s statements by the French president Emmanuel Macron.: “France is ready and go to war” and these words “they don’t lead to anything positive.” All this while in his speech in Normandy, Joe Biden he compared Putin to Adolf Hitler.

“We want to achieve victory and we will achieve it, it is clear”, insists the Russian president in his speech in St. Petersburg, declaring that, in any case, Moscow would be ready for negotiations based on Istanbul talks of 2022, however, taking into account the “new realities“. Putin also warns the West: “Admit Ukraine to Born Right now it wouldn’t be wise“, recalling that Kiev’s entry into the Atlantic Alliance “would entail the application of the article on collective defense”. Not only. The Russian president also confirmed that Moscow will consider it the sending of weapons to “rival” countries of the West who supply arms to Ukraine. The Kremlin leader did not specify where such weapons might be sent, saying only that they could be “states or even others legal entities who are subjected to certain pressure, including military pressure, from those countries that send weapons to Ukraine and urge it to use them against us, against Russian territory”.

From Normandy the US president attacks Putin and underlines that i American veterans of World War II wanted the United States to stop the Kremlin leader’s aggression. Thanks to the courage of the soldiers who landed in Normandy, said the American president, “war has changed. They opposed Hitler’s aggression. Is there anyone who doubts that they would have wanted America to stand up to Putin in Europe today?“.

Meanwhile Emmanuel Macron has become for Fly the image of the most intransigent and warmongering Europe towards Russia. And that is perhaps what the French president wanted, also for electoral purposes. After Thursday’s statements in which he announced the sending of fighter planes in Kiev and the desire to establish a “French brigade” in Ukrainethe response of Kremlin it came from the mouth of the spokesperson Dmitry Peskov: Macron “declares that France is ready to participate directly in the conflict military in Ukraine”, are “very, very provocative” statements, they aggravate the escalation on the continent and do not lead to anything positive”.

The words of the head of the Elysée do not find unanimous support in Europe. And Italy is also among the countries most reluctant to be directly involved in the conflict. It is no coincidence that the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, reiterated that “Putin is carrying out electoral propaganda, we are in favor of respecting the independence of Ukraine but we will not send soldiers to Ukraine and we will not send weapons to Russian territory. Macron’s this is not Italy’s position, we don’t have to follow anyone. Escalation must be avoided. We are not at war with Russia. There are electoral campaigns and Putin is trying to divide Europe which is essentially united.”

Those who continue to raise the alarm about Putin’s desire to bring war to the heart of Europe, despite yet another denial from the Russian president and also from the NATO secretary, Jens Stoltenbergand obviously Volodymyr Zelensky that from the celebrations of D-Day in Normandy aims to bring home as many favorable agreements as possible in order to continue the resistance to the Russian advance. “Europe is no longer a continent of peace – he said – What is happening to Ukraine today it could happen to other countries tomorrow“. And she then thanked France “for being at our side to defend life”. The conflict in her country, he added a few hours before the European Commission made it official at the last minute that Kiev and Chisinau respect the standards required for EU membership, it is a turning point for the security and future of the entire continent: “It is in Ukraine that the key to the security of all of Europe lies. NATO’s eastern frontier cannot be interrupted by a gray zone outside the alliance.” Zelensky then guaranteed that “without control of Ukraine, Russia will remain a normal national state and not a colonial empire in constant search of new territories”.

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