ZTL, because with Artificial Intelligence they will all disappear | The new study revolutionizes mobility in the city

ZTL reality can change completely in a very short time – ansa photo – motorzoom.it

For some time now we have been accustomed to looking at our cities with a certain type of concern and anxiety regarding frightening and risky presences.

Risks and scares which, for once, are not linked to the danger of running into iserious road accidents either less serious or even worse, unfortunately fatal, as happens too many times.

In the way much more prosaic to look at the things of life, in fact, we can consider those ‘earthly’ risks that we approach, driving, as terrible threats for anyone.

More than anything because what is affected is the wallets of those who are driving, seeing and considering that we are talking about that vast and for some all too insurmountable mountain sanctions that are imposed.

The famous traffic fines, cthat is, in short, they represent one of the worst threats for all those who manage a vehicle as they are in fact transversal and, so to speak, dhemocratic to the core.

An enormous danger for all those who drive: the dreaded gap

There are fines that have the taste of the classic to the nth degree: running a red light, overtaking where it is prohibited, even driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, since time immemorial, is a violation considered traditional as well as obviously very serious. Then there are others that have been recently ‘invented’, so to speak: such as those linked to cell phones, for example.

Nowadays everyone has one smartphone and consequently everyone, absolutely everyone, they know that if you drive using it the risk of getting a fine (and having an accident) is anything but a remote possibility. And then there are them, the famous, feared, very feared gates. Whether it’s an active or inactive gate makes all the difference in the world: yes, it’s them, i gates of limited traffic zones.

limited traffic – Depositphotos.com – Motorzoom.it

ZTL, end of the era of traditional sanctions, but it won’t get better

Now, however, the ZTLs risk, and it is precisely the case to put it in these terms, of changing and transforming: because technology is about to provide a great help to those who want, rightly, to protect them and enforce their limits. The new method of artificial intelligence has arrived, or is about to, which, in fact, puts the old way of conceiving ZTLs into retirement.

They will all disappear because, through AI, it will always be possible to establish, as demonstrated by a recent study on mobility in the city, when and how the violation was committed, how much the emission limits were exceeded, how fast the person was going, which prohibited roads were used. So agoodbye ZTL: but not to fines.

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