Euro-Atlantic war-mongering against the world’s fourth largest economy

The assessment relates to three years ago, but the trend has also been maintained in subsequent years: according to World Bank estimates, in 2021 the Russian economy was among the four largest in the world, in a ranking relating to GDP calculated at purchasing power parity (PPP) which examines 176 countries of a program of the UN Statistical Commission.

In 2020, the recession of the Russian economy was -2.7%, largely due to the consequences of the pandemic; the following year there was growth of 5.9%.

In 2022, according to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, a support plan was adopted to deal with the effects of Western sanctions: financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, investments in sectors capable of producing goods replacing those subjected to Western embargo, etc.

Thus, in 2022, the recession stopped at -1.2%, while in 2023 growth of 3.6% was recorded.

PPP is a ratio between the prices of identical goods in different countries. Assuming that a kg of beef costs 12 euros in Germany and 800 rubles in Russia, in rubles German meat would cost 1180 rubles. So, according to the WB’s assessments relating to the indicator of actual individual consumption (AIC), in 2021, for example, the Russians lived slightly worse than the Germans, but better than the Chinese.

The WB believes that the AIC is a more accurate index than GDP per capita, given that individual well-being is calculated on personal consumption, and not on public consumption, investments, import-export.

For example, in Luxembourg, Singapore, Norway or Switzerland, the GDP is almost double the AIC, and by that calculation, in 2021 the US had a PPP standard of living four times higher than the world average.

Based on GDP calculated at purchasing power parity, the world economy today amounts to 152.4 trillion dollars, with China, the USA and India accounting for 40% – 19% to China alone – of the world GDP: 28 .8 trillion to China, 23.6 to the US, and 11 to India.

In the WB report, the top ten sees Russia in fourth place, with 5.7 trillion (3.8%), Japan with 5.6 trillion (3.7%), Germany 5.2 trillion (3.4%), Brazil 3.7 trillion (2.4%), France 3.6 trillion (2.4%), Great Britain and Indonesia both 3.5 trillion (2.3%).

This assessment forms the backdrop to the Euro-Atlantic warmongering and interventionist mania in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which sees Russian forces advancing on a broad front and the Western sponsors of the Nazi coup junta moving in no particular order, some towards an official presence of ” volunteer instructors” alongside the Kiev troops, who – despite their own soldiers already present in Ukraine for some time – by responding to Stoltenberg-Borrell’s warlike cries to remove the restrictions on the use of Western weapons to strike Russian territory, as is the case of Berlin. Who again, moving their way, as always the Yankees.

Among the first, the usual Emmanuel Macron who, second Le Mondedreams of giving life «in Ukraine to a European coalition of military instructors», to be sent to the field «in a few weeks, or even days».

An official statement on the matter could be made on the occasion of the arrival in France of the illegitimate coup-plotting president, for the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, on 6 and 7 June.

But, Valerija Verbinina notes about the Russian Vzgljadit is not excluded that Macron, despite the haste with which the coup leader of SM Aleksandr Syrsky had spread the news, prefers to postpone the announcement until after the European vote, also given the polls of Radio Europe 1 And Le Journal du Dimanchewho see Macron not exactly in pole position.

In the opinion of Elie Tenenbaum, director of the Center des Études de Sécurité de l’Institut Français des Relations Internationales, the training of Ukrainian soldiers directly on Ukrainian territory will allow «to transfer experience more quickly, to train more people, i.e. to improve both quality and quantity» of work.

At the same time, says Elie-the-bellicose, this would also constitute a direct signal to Moscow that «we are ready to take more and more risks, and this commitment is made for a long period of time».

Le Parisien However, he writes that Macron, despite his declarations, is not burning with the desire to be a solitary hero, but would like to be supported by “willing” others, in the context, precisely, of a «a pan-European initiative. It is trying to convince other EU members, such as Countrythe Balts, to go over to his side».

And, in fact, the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis promptly responded that «Lithuania is ready to join a coalition led, for example, by France, and this coalition will train soldiers in Ukraine».

This time, one of the most Russophobic traditional warmongers seems to be an exception, like Landsbergis’s Polish counterpart, the infamous Radoslaw Sikorski, who instead whispers that they have arrived «to the conclusion that it would be safer and more effective to train Ukrainian soldiers on Polish territory».

On the other hand, tradition for tradition, if the Poles, eighty years ago, had seen the Armia Krajowa fighting against the Nazis, but above all against the Red Army, when it approached the Polish borders in 1944, they had been for the precisely the Lithuanians who, en masse, had joined Hitler’s ranks since 1941 and the pro-Nazi French volunteers who, with the SS “Charlemagne” division, had been the last to leave Berlin besieged by the Red Army, in Hitler’s last days.

Then on the side of the end of the restrictions on the use of Western weapons to strike Russian territory, Politic writes that Joe Biden’s decision on the matter would have come at the insistence of national security advisor Jack Sullivan and the head of the State Department Antony Blinken.

In particular, Sullivan would have focused on the use of Yankee weapons in the Khar’kov area, specifically against Russian fire batteries, and Blinken would have convinced Biden after the visit to Kiev on May 17th.

In detail, the State Department would have authorized Kiev to use US weapons for “counter-battery” combat on targets in Russian territory close to the Khar’kov region.

This indirectly admits the presence of US soldiers directly at the front, in order to prevent Ukrainian troops from directing fire towards targets.”to their liking”.

In any case, as reported Daily Express, Vladimir Putin immediately warned Euro-Atlantic warmongers of the consequences of escalation. Simply, the crazy and ignorant criminals of NATO, should «realize what they are playing with“, he said.

And the Foreign Ministry was quick to declare that any soldiers, French or other countries, present in the conflict zone would be considered legitimate objectives of the Russian army.

At this point, there remains the “curiosity” of listening to Emmanuel Macron on June 6th, on the occasion of the anniversary of D-day.

Perhaps he will go so far as to say that, just as the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, carried out by the 1st Ukrainian Front of the Red Army, according to the new pro-European narrative it was “work of the Ukrainians”, now, evoking the Anglo-American landing, will he go so far as to compare today’s Russia to Nazi Germany, urging the French to show solidarity and combativeness to help the Nazi coup-plotting Ukraine?

The heirs of the “Charlemagne” are still eager to be top of the class.

June 2, 2024 – © Reproduction possible WITH EXPLICIT CONSENT of the CONTROPIANO EDITORIAL TEAM

Last edit: June 1, 2024, 7.34 pm


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