“This is what the Tsar wants”

Rome, 16 May 2024 – Lo tsar have a good time. “The Russian Armed Forces are daily improving their position in Ukraine in all sectors and the objectives are gradually being achieved,” she said while meeting with the military leaders and the new Minister of Defense, with whom he celebrated the offensive in the northern part of the oblast of Kharkiv before flying to Beijing where, as proof of an increasingly solid strategic partnership, today and tomorrow he will make his first visit abroad of his fifth term as president.

Putin in Beijing, Xi welcomes him: “Relations between China and Russia promote stability and peace in the world”

Today Putin meets Xi Jinping

Putin will meet his friend Xi Jinping, who he defined, in an interview with the Xinhua news agency, as a “wise and visionary leader”. With him he will speak not only about the excellent Sino-Russian bilateral relations but also about the war in Ukraine, on which he expressed appreciation for Beijing’s approach “which proposes feasible and constructive steps to achieve peace”. “We have never refused to negotiate. We are looking – he continued in the interview with the agency Xinhua – a comprehensive, sustainable and just solution to this conflict by peaceful means. We are open to dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including ours.”

In northern Kharkiv the Russian offensive – conducted with 20 thousand men against 10 thousand Ukrainians – seems to be slowing down. Yesterday, after having taken the villages of Lukyantse and Hlyboke on the western axis of advance, it recorded the capture of only 2.8 square kilometres, while further east, on the second axis of penetration, the Russians took 4.6 square kilometers and they ceded about fifteen square kilometers to the Ukrainians in the “grey zone”. Russian troops focused on the villages of Burhovatha (taken) and Stanytsya (disputed), and above all on the attempt to enter Vovchansk, the main center, where they have reached the northern suburbs and are pressing from there. At a press conference in Kiev the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinkenwas vague about the use of American weapons to strike Russian territory: “We do not encourage or facilitate attacks outside of Ukraine, but ultimately it is up to Ukraine to make its own decisions about how to wage this war.”

Professor Aldo Ferrari, director of the Russia, Caucasus and Central Asia program at ISPI and professor at the Cà Foscari University of Venice, what is Putin’s agenda after his re-election to the presidency and the reshuffle in the Kremlin?

“I wouldn’t overestimate the importance of the reshuffle. Putin has only rotated men who he considers faithful. As happened in Italy in the First Republic: they were reshuffled so that nothing would change. And so too in Moscow, without too many conspiracy theories. As for Putin’s agenda , we Westerners look at Russia as if it were an incomprehensible country, the reality is that for decades we have paid little attention to what Russia is asking for. Not only do we not agree, which would also be legitimate, but we don’t even take it into account consideration. What Putin reiterates in the interview with Xinhua is that he is willing to negotiate, but in compliance with his interests. What Putin says, and with greater force given that the war is going quite well for him, is that Russia is willing to negotiate peace but only on the basis of its strategic needs”.

Which I am ?

“Which are certainly the possession of all territories conquered militarily since February 2022, and the guarantee of Ukraine’s neutrality. Putin is not just saying it today, that Ukraine’s neutrality is essential for Russia, he has been saying it for years, from before We don’t like it? And then the war will continue. And if Ukraine’s hold is difficult, it is frankly very difficult to imagine even a partial recovery of the invaded territories.

Can Beijing make Putin think about a somewhat acceptable peace?

“Beijing did not approve of Russian adventurism in Ukraine, but between Beijing and Moscow there is a solid convergence of strategic interests, and in particular the challenge of American hegemony. Beijing will do what is in its interests. I would be surprised if the China, prudence made a state, exposes itself to an attempt at mediation which, if it fails, would only cause damage. It will continue to do business with the West and cultivate its strategic relationship with Russia.”

Will Putin wait for the outcome of the next American elections before sitting down at a negotiating table?

“The situation on the ground matters a lot. As long as Russia advances, it will continue to do so: if it realizes that it can defeat Ukraine, albeit at a heavy price, it will move forward with conviction, leading Kiev to negotiate from a position of strong weakness. I believe we overestimate the role that the American elections will have, the outcome will be decided on the ground: everything will depend on the Ukrainian military resistance.”

Do you agree with those who say that in Georgia, with the approval of the so-called “Russian law”, Putin has scored a point in his favor?

“I don’t agree with those who say that the Georgians took orders from Moscow. Moscow will also be happy, because this law, given the reactions from Brussels, seems to distance Tbilisi from the EU. But the Georgians are not pro-Russian, not even the government It is current. The law is a conservative law that places limits on the actions of NGOs, perceived as threatening the autonomy and integrity of Georgian values. They are all pro-Western and want to join the EU and NATO. If Brussels used this law to block Georgia’s accession process it would be making a big mistake, it would be doing the Kremlin a favour.”

Learn more:

Kiev accuses Moscow: “It is using 40 civilians as human shields in Vovchansk.” What is going on

Kiev accuses Moscow:
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