10 militants under observation after Fanpage investigation

Including Sieg Heil, which convinced Senator for Life Liliana Segre, a survivor of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp where she “really got to know that Hitler salute”, to ask on the screens of La7: “Will I be forced to leave my country again?” A question that yesterday, today, no response was received from any of the institutionsThe President of the Senate did not want to call her on Sunday, Ignatius LaRussa. He didn’t call her Giorgia Meloni at the head of that right wing in government which, according to the words of the senator for life, has been there since “we are no longer ashamed of anything”. And not even other colleagues. The affectionate solidarity came from friends and acquaintances outside the Palace. But she knows how to wait.

It is certain that the question cannot be left hanging on the immediate reassurances of John Donzelli, responsible for the FdI organisation: «We will listen, as on past occasionsSegre’s words, a warning for all political orientations”. However, it is clear that in the identifications ed expulsion of those responsible of behaviors which, to use Meloni’s words, “have no home in FdI”, in the party there is no desire to be speeded up “by exponents or commentators of a left that cannot give lessons”. But there is the need to show, even to one’s own voters, that those responsible for those behaviors will be isolated which, assures a historical exponent, “we already ridiculed in the 70s”.

That’s why they look at each other and we look at the images of the Fanpage service trying to recognize the faces covered by pixels. The most discussed position is certainly that of Flaminia Pace, not only for the anti-semitic jokes on Ester Mieli, but also for the role of manager of a club. To those who heard her, she spoke of «jokes taken out of context that do not represent his thoughts”, but his referral to the probiviri seems obvious. The same goes for Elisa Segnini who in the video said: «I never stopped being fascist and racist“. She resigned as head of the secretariat of the deputy Ylenia Lucaselli. But they are not the only ones worth attention. The person in charge of the new FdI recruits is described as «destroyed, distant and silent.” Although from Via della Scrofa, the party’s headquarters, it is noted that the facts described in the report “are the result of an assembly and juxtaposition of events distant in space and time”.

Now we try to take a distance from the Flaminia Pace club, also visited for events by the MEP Nicholas Procaccini and from the same Giorgia Meloni. But also from some activities, such as the camps shown, which were based on traditional right-wing activities. And new videos are awaited collected in the six months as an infiltrator by the Fanpage journalist.
“I don’t understand Meloni’s anger and anger, they preferred to hide the mess” says Nicola Fratojanni (Avs). Alfredo Antoniozzi (FdI) replies: “Segre is a national monument. Anti-Semitism comes from sectors of the left”.

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