Paolo Bonolis: “A young presenter I like? Stefano De Martino”

Paolo Bonolis: “A young presenter I like? Stefano De Martino”
Paolo Bonolis: “A young presenter I like? Stefano De Martino”

The host looks back on his career and gives some advice to those who want to enter the world of entertainment: first of all, be yourself and be careful about using cell phones too much. And “on lonely nights” this is what he watches on TV

The secret to being a good host? «I think one should be as consistent as possible with oneself». Does he watch TV in his free time? «On lonely nights I watch a film or a TV series». What is he waiting for? «When will the TV series based on One Hundred Years of Solitude I barricade myself in the house.” Paolo Bonolis, among the guests of the BCT of Benevento, scheduled in these days in the Campania city, collects his career award by coloring his story with anecdotes and reflections. And in the whirlwind of official appointments and selfies with the many fans who came to see him, he carves out a moment to talk about himself. – Photo | video

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NEXT SEASON – Bonolis’ home will undoubtedly still be Mediaset: «We will do Next one! for the fourteenth year. I don’t think anything else, for the moment. It’s a show where I’ve raised my own resolved ghosts, so there will be more. It is a television disturbance rather than a program.” The best moment? «That of the conception, even 14 editions later. I have always been an author rather than a presenter. The host was like a professional consequence.”

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LOOK WITH SUSPICION – The role of technology and social networks is a very dear topic to Bonolis, to the point of having included it in his novel Deep night (Rizzoli). And if he had to imagine himself starting a career again today, with all the changes that have taken place in the meantime, he would struggle: «It is clear that the current contemporaneity involves the use of this two-dimensional world (indica lo smartphoneed.) in an almost obsessive-compulsive way, I don’t like it at all, but if I were to start now I probably wouldn’t be able to isolate myself from all this, in some way I would have to necessarily accompany myself with this mechanism».

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THE NEW GENERATIONS – A young person that Paolo Bonolis likes? «Stefano Di Martino, but there are several. The important thing is that they have the serenity of not having to think about compromising their career based on what they say, what they do. They must be serene about representing what they have to say. When I give lessons at university on television writing, I always tell the kids, don’t listen when they tell you to try to imagine what the public wants to see. Try to understand what you have to say because all of us, us here, all those who are here, are all unique and unrepeatable».

Julia Perona


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