Serena Bortone, by whining, saves her place: crossed vetoes, Rai background

Serena Bortone, by whining, saves her place: crossed vetoes, Rai background
Serena Bortone, by whining, saves her place: crossed vetoes, Rai background

Crossed vetoes between appointments on the Rai Board of Directors (which are slipping) and schedules being defined which are sufficiently bogged down around the role of Serena Bortone, symbol of the “anti-fascist resistance” who, having ended her unsuccessful experience at the helm of the weekend’s talk What will be he should find his beloved daytime again. First case of a self-styled martyr censored to the point of obtaining a promotion. Things that would require at least subtitles to understand. But after all, we are talking about Rai. Another public appointment also ends up in the whirlwind circle of seats, that of the CEO of Cinecittà, an appointment prerogative of the Ministries of Economy and Culture. The box was suddenly vacated by Nicola Maccanico, who seems destined for a position at the top of Amazon Prime Italia. His replacement could be two names already within the Cinecittà asset, that of the president Chiara Sbarigia or the former councilor Giuseppe De Mita.

In the middle and all around, the great chess game continues to be played between positions of prestige, power and politics. Something that according to the new European regulations on mass media, state TV in particular, the European Media Freedom Act approved in March in Strasbourg, should no longer have reason to exist. So the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate decided in the most incandescent matter of all, that of the appointment of the new directors of Rai, to suspend everything until 4 July, when the ruling of the Council of State on the appeal presented by four candidates to the Rai board of directors, according to whom the appointment system would present profiles of constitutional illegitimacy, placing itself in conflict with the new European rules. The topic has excited the president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Barbara Floridia, who is echoed by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, on the need to change the rules which currently see the appointment of the Rai board of directors divided into equal parts between the government and the Chambers with the election of a member representing the employees.

Read also: Serena Bortone, Pd and M5s in the trenches for the martyr: “Rai is the government’s megaphone”

Meanwhile, as mentioned, in Viale Mazzini the excitement continues for the schedules which – incredibly – seem to have revolved for days around the role of Serena Bortone and a possible arrival in Rai of another important signature in the in-depth panorama, that of Maria Latella , perhaps in the first evening of RaiTre on Saturday with a return of Report on Sunday evening, head to head with Fabio Fazio on Nove. While today, Monica Maggioni will present Newsroom, a RaiPlay/RaiTre cross-media in-depth project broadcast from tonight on the platform and from 17 July in prime time on the third channel. An appointment that could be blessed in today’s press conference by the presence of the CEO in pectore Giampaolo Rossi.

Read also: Stefano Massini, the Duce is no longer enough: it’s a big game hunt for Hitler

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