the sudden farewell brings a drastic change

A sudden farewell to Mediaset that no one expected shortly after the start of the new TV season. Here’s what’s happening.

The waltz of farewells and new entries between Rai, Mediaset and Discovery apparently it hasn’t finished yet. The official and definitive schedules, with all the programs and their hosts will be announced shortly, but everything still remains to be seen and everything could change from one minute to the next, without the slightest warning. Mediaset gave us last year, with the ‘expulsion’ of Barbara D’Urso and the arrival of Myrta Merlino (HERE the latest indiscretion on the future of Afternoon Five).

Not only that though. In the space of a few days, a series of sensational information has spread, including the absence of Belén Rodriguez and the uncertainty about Ilary Blasi. Apparently the leaders worked in this direction a year ago and apparently there will be no significant upheavals. At least that’s what we thought until recently. The latest rumors from the corridors of Cologno report very strong news, which concerns another farewell and unheard of: the transition to Discovery. This will lead to unexpected but necessary changes.

Mediaset, is there an alarm? The sudden farewell for the transition to Discovery

The last backstory is about a farewell that inevitably generates an emergency, as a significant hole needs to be filled. We are talking about Stefano Vicariohistorical director of Next Another which leaves the transmission and therefore Mediaset to move to Discovery. It’s not a random move, but he will join Amadeus for the new episodes of The Bullfight. In reality, it is not the first time that Vicario and Amadeus have collaborated: their partnership generated the huge success of Sanremo Festival of 2020. Hence the ‘snatch’ that takes the professional elsewhere for the new professional challenges of the former Rai presenter.

Bonolis and Laurenti at the helm of Avanti un Altro on Canale 5

It’s impossible to believe he could have moved from Rome to Milan with the required flexibility. Vicario should have followed the quiz conducted by Laurenti and Bonolis from Rome, and the show that was the legendary Corrado instead in Milan. An important change, almost drastic since it will be up to Bonolis’ team after years to find a solution. It will not be the only farewell apparently. Given the pregnancy of Miss Claudia Ruggeri who therefore will not be able to be present in the cast and be part of the lounge, will take his place Flavia Vento. The program will certainly continue to be successful and to be a container loved and followed by the Canale 5 public. Will it be the last farewell before the official announcements of the schedules or, should we expect something even more surprising in the next few days?

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