Amadeus and Giovanna crazy with joy, the photos leave no doubt: “Stork on the way”

Amadeus and Giovanna crazy with joy, the photos leave no doubt: “Stork on the way”
Amadeus and Giovanna crazy with joy, the photos leave no doubt: “Stork on the way”

New projects in sight for Amadeus and his wife Giovanna Civitillo, according to the news the two want to become parents again.

This 2024 promises to great news for Amadeus who not only seems ready to start a new adventure at work but also in the family. Starting from September the former host of Sanremo Festival he will no longer be one of the leading faces of the Rai.

Amadeus surprises everyone, son on the way with Giovanna? – Photo Ansa –

In fact, the public can’t wait to find out what will happen once you land on the Nine. There the showman will not only bring his most ardent fans but also some programs that have contributed to making him great on national television.

However, between one program and another, Amadeus is also dealing with another desire: that of become a father again. Between him and his wife Giovanna Civitillo there has always been great harmony and who knows if their desire is to expand the family.

Amadeus and Giovanni Civitillo become parents again: the indiscretion is sensational

The indiscretion is sensational: second Diva and Woman Amadeus and Giovanni are thinking of having another child. 61 years old and not feeling it for the famous presenter who has always shown great attachment to his family, during the festival ready to follow him in the front row there was not only his better half but also the little one Jose ready, in a certain sense, to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Amadeus becomes a father again, the visit with Giovanna does not speak clearly – Photo Ansa –

José is 15 years old and loves music, listening to it and talking about it since during the last Eurovision he cared for Rai Play a nice podcast where he presented the singing event to everyone. In short, now that he is growing up too, Amadeus and Giovanna might want to rediscover the joy of becoming parents and to do it together for the second time. Their recent visit to the hotel fueled the rumors Mangiagalli clinicfamous for dedicating itself above all to the birth of children.

Presumably the two had gone there with the aim of visiting some of their friends who had recently become mothers. Who knows, therefore, whether this may have in some way rekindled the spirit in them desire to have a new child. For Giovanna it would be her second while for her husband it would be her third given that, before José, in 1997 he became the father of Alice, born from his previous relationship. The public hopes that this hypothesis can be followed up in some way.

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