Gf: Greta responds to Sergio’s accusations: “I didn’t cheat”

Greta Rossetti and Sergio D’Ottavi, two gieffini of the latest edition of Big Brother, they suddenly broke up. The first signs arrived on Saturday, when the two suddenly stopped following each other. Then yesterday the confirmation, with a story uploaded to InstagramWhere Sergio explained what had happenedapparently accusing Greta of quite serious things, such as betrayed him and used him to clean up his image, but also of lies and small subterfuges on Greta’s part. At that point, fans on social media exploded and started sending her messages or to write even very aggressive remarks towards his ex-girlfriend under his photos. Quin came to be created an indirect back and forth on social media between the former couple, culminating with a clarification from Sergio himself. Here’s what happened between the two.

Greta responds to Sergio’s accusations

Rossetti found herself taken aback by these observations, and after a period of silence she had her say, in turn publishing two stories on Instagram: “What happened today I prefer to keep it to myself for now. Words have weight and before using them you have to be careful because it is easy to misrepresent them… The fact remains that In my opinion, the reasons for the dispute will remain privateI just want to point out that I haven’t betrayed anyone and I never would. For the moment I won’t add anything else why I’m not mistaken in anger“. Then, at a later moment he also added the second story: “I preferred to wait before denying it to read how far your malice went and I must say that you surprised me… Too easy to point fingers and massacrebut to think that in front of those comments there is a person who reads them, it doesn’t affect me anymore, I’m used to it, but be careful who you do it with because it’s dangerous.”

Sergio retracts everything

D’Ottavi, put under pressure by his ex-partner, therefore found himself having to clarify what was previously understood: “I strongly regret if the publication of the reasons for the story about me and Greta could damage his imageespecially for those who, not knowing exactly the reality of the facts, may misunderstand them. I kindly ask you not to make bad judgments where no physical betrayal occurred.” In short, no betrayal in the broad sense, perhaps it was only the trust placed that was betrayed.

Greta’s mother’s intervention

The intervention of the couple’s fans could not be missing, who they immediately asked Marcella Bonifacio, Rossetti’s motherto explain how things are. She was very cryptic towards those who wrote to her: “It will be very difficult to recover after what Sergio wrote”, the woman in fact replied “It’s not like that, you’ll understand“. Later, mom Marcella published a story with Vasco Rossi’s song “Senza parole” in the background, who changed his mind? Or is it to be understood as a sort of “No comment”?

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