Elisabetta Canalis negotiates the price of shrimp on the boat

Nonever ceases to amaze Elisabetta Canalis. The Sardinian showgirl, always used to attracting attention, this time did it with a funny sketch which went around the web in just a few hours. During one boat trip to the Aeolian Islandsin the company of the singer’s boyfriend Georgian Cimpeanu Elodie and of the pilot Andrea Iannone, Elisabetta Canalis is improvised fresh fish expert. Taking advantage of the passage of a fishing vesselthe showgirl has in fact hired a funny one bargaining with fishermen for the price of shrimp.

Elisabetta Canalis, the curtain call on a boat

In the video, which has gone viral on social media, Elisabetta Canalis can be seen asking in a cheeky manner: «Excuse me, what fish do you have?». The fisherman promptly lists his assortment: «Shrimp, tuna, albacore…». The former showgirl, with her contagious kindness, he opts for the prawns and asks the price. «20 euros per kilo!», replies the fisherman. Canalis, as a true connoisseur, does not let herself be discouraged and starts with his negotiation: «Come on! 15 euros?».

The scene continues with the fisherman who specifies: “They’re red shrimp!”. Elisabetta, satisfied with the quality of the product, exclaims: «Ah, okay, come on!». And he concludes the purchase with a dazzling smile. In addition to the funny side, the video also sparked comments that underline the spontaneity of della Canalis, always at ease in every situationeven when it comes to negotiating the price of fresh fish on a boat off the coast of the Aeolian Islands.

Extended holidays and solid love

The two couples decided to extend their holiday to the Aeolian Islands after having participated in the wedding in Vulcano of Diletta Leotta and Loris Karius. Elodie was the bride’s maid of honor, while Elisabetta Canalis went wild both in the party before the wedding and at the reception after the fateful yes. But above all it is the the latter’s relationship with Georgian Cimpeanu. The two, despite the 15 year age difference (he 30, she 45), they form a solid and close-knit couple for over a year.

Love, as Cimpeanu told in an interview with Diva and Womanis born thanks to the common passion for kickboxing: he is a teacher, she is his student. Even if the relationship can suffer from the distance – the athlete lives in Milan, the showgirl in Los Angeles with her daughter Skyler –, the couple lives a happy and intense loveas demonstrated by the smiles and complicity they exchange on every occasion.


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