Outstretched arms, “Sieg Heil” and hymns to the Duce: Fanpage journalist infiltrates the young people of Fratelli d’Italia. The video and the reactions

Hymns NazisRoman greetings, apology of black terrorism of Nar and choirs for the Duce: this is the hidden face of National Youththe flagship of the young people of Brothers of Italythe future of the party Giorgia Meloni. There is this and much more in the investigation Fanpage.it that has infiltrated a journalist among the militants of the youth movement. The sober and “facade” image of Fdi’s young people is only an appearance: the Hidden Camera he films everything that happens away from the spotlight, in meetings and in concerts far right. So much fear for journalists: no Roman greetings or chants in front of the cameras, it is remembered. But behind closed doors the true colors can be shown.

In the images collected in the journalistic investigation, the deputies can be seen Marco Perissa And Paolo Trancassini gather with the gladiatorial salute (like real comrades) inside the party headquarters, and the MEP Nicola Procaccini do the same with other leaders. Also to praise the work of the club Arianna Meloni, sister of the prime minister and head of the party’s political secretariat. In the investigation, the representatives of Gioventù Nazionale also talk about the funds of the civil service and the ploys to finance political activities. In the video Flaminia Pacepresident of Gn Pinciano, explains: “From next year we will have another type of income that will come from the civil service, the money comes from the state. Each boy is given 500 euros a month to do this volunteering. What do we have to do to do civil service? Nothing. Because of the 500 euros you like a good offer…”, he states, waving a jar for fundraising.

Almost 3 years ago always Fanpage had carried out the investigation on Milanese black lobbya report that triggered the indignant reaction of the leader of Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni with the famous phrase “I asked for 100 hours of footage.” And they come harshly from the opposition parties criticisms with lots of parliamentary questions from PD And M5s. “It is necessary that the minister Plant yourself report in the parliamentary chambers on what measures it intends to adopt in order to clarify the facts reported and to prevent regurgitation and reconstruction of clearly neo-fascist organisations“, says the Democratic Party senator in a note, Francesco Verducci announcing an urgent question to the minister. “The facts emerging from the investigation of Fanpage on the youth organization of Fratelli d’Italia and its articulation in Rome are disturbing and require clear and immediate answers“, adds the dem deputy, Michela Di Biase. “If confirmed – continues the PD parliamentarian – the accusations that emerge from the investigation require answers primarily from President Meloni, both on the political aspect of the matter and on any implications related to the financing of the youth organization. They are very serious violent and racist language, it is unacceptable that a youth organization can organize demonstrations in which fascism is apologia”. “Obviously as soon as the G7 ended Giorgia Meloni will take charge of the youth organisation of his party and will expel those parliamentarians who allowed what emerged in the investigation Fanpage, or a continuous and organized apology for fascism. Right Giorgia?”, the PD deputy writes on X Matteo Orfini, deputy of the Democratic Party. “Is it true that the Fdi youth associations employ volunteer workers from the national civil service for their activities?”, asks the democratic deputy, Lia Quartapellewho will submit the question to parliament: “There is no possibility of operating within political parties – recalls Quartapelle – If what was reported by Fanpage if it were confirmed it would be very serious also in light of the activities which appear to all intents and purposes aimed at apologizing for fascism”.

An investigation that “shows details disturbing on the youth wing of Fratelli d’Italia, of which the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni says she is ‘proud’“, says in a note the group leader of the M5s in the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber, Andrea Quartini. “There is little to be ‘proud’ of when faced with Roman salutes, ‘Sieg Heil’ and apologia for black terrorism, but evidently that’s the cultural background“, continues Quartini, underlining that it is also documented “what is to all intents and purposes a fraud against the state“. For this reason, the M5s “intends to immediately shed light through a parliamentary question”. “The images of ‘nursery’ of Fratelli d’Italia they are very serious”, underlines the M5S deputy in a note Emma Pavanelli: “Even more terrifying however – he adds – is the justificationism of the leaders of the party. Even in the face of malicious attempts to appropriate resources intended for the Civil Service. If violence gives squares seen this week in the Chamber sprouts from those ‘Seigh Heil!’, it can be said that the alleged frauds on the State by ministers such as Santanchè they see on the Covid Fund emulation practices even among young activists“, concludes Pavanelli.

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