Piazzapulita, “hosanni a terrorist”. TV brawl between Bocchino and Di Cesare: shame on you – Il Tempo

Piazzapulita, “hosanni a terrorist”. TV brawl between Bocchino and Di Cesare: shame on you – Il Tempo
Piazzapulita, “hosanni a terrorist”. TV brawl between Bocchino and Di Cesare: shame on you – Il Tempo

Gabriel Imperiale

June 14, 2024

Italo Bocchino-Donatella Di Cesare: what a duel at PiazzaPulita. The new face to face between the two – again on La 7 – is yet another high-voltage clash and Corrado Formigli has struggled to maintain control of the studio. Both guests of the Thursday in-depth program on Urbano Cairo’s network, after having seen the Fanpage investigation on Gioventù Nazionale and a report on Paolo Signorelli’s resignation, Bocchino and Di Cesare once again clashed. The topic is the same as always: the clear political contrast between the two. It all stems from the intervention of the editorial director of Ilcento d’Italia called by Formigli to comment on the Signorelli case: “The only bills that Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia have to pay are those towards the voters. Everything else is fantasy – begins the director –. And Paolo Signorelli six years ago wrote things that none of us can share. Of course we agree on this. But the question is, who was Paolo Signorelli today and how did he do his profession as a journalist?”.

So far so good, but the poisonous phase that Bocchino pronounces after triggers the brawl between the two: “He has to pay for something from 6 years ago, the kids have to pay at 18 for some huge shit they do in those evenings, but then Professor Di Cesare is acquitted because she is a little more mature than 18 year olds and teaches philosophy…”. There is no good blood between the two and Di Cesare, already ready for a clash, does not wait for Bocchino to conclude: “Minister Lollobrigida spoke about ethnic replacement…”. Also prepared for the clash, the journalist invites his interlocutor to let him finish: “I didn’t interrupt her, when you want we can also talk about ethnic replacement – the director continues his speech and picks up where the teacher left off -. He makes a post to praise a terrorist who got blood on her hands…”

New interruption from Di Cesare. Tension rises in Formigli’s studio. “But isn’t he tired of always repeating this nonsense about a misunderstood post?” asks the professor from La Sapienza. Bocchino teases her ironically: “she hurts you. He hurts her a lot.” The host calls for calm but remains unheard, if anything the situation becomes more agitated: “Not to me – replies Di Cesare – because he wanted to misunderstand it. Talk about this, not about me.” Bocchino’s reply was simultaneous: “I’m talking about this. I’m making the comparison between 18 year olds who do nonsense, Signorelli who committed nonsense six years ago – explains the journalist who then becomes even harsher in his speech – and you who praised a terrorist with blood on her hands , he should be ashamed and teaches our kids, ruins our kids.” Di Cesare sends the accusations back to the sender: “Be ashamed, you’re talking about Signorelli – the confrontation between the two is at the point of maximum tension – I haven’t praised anyone. Shame on her.” Now they don’t listen to each other and Bocchino and Di Cesare talk over each other. Formigli, however, regains control of the study and the conversation and the duel ends. See you next season.

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