“If Amadeus leaves and also takes away the formats it will be a problem for Rai”: the protest of Usigrai journalists after the announcement of I Soliti Ignoti on Nove

“If Amadeus leaves and also takes away the formats it will be a problem for Rai”: the protest of Usigrai journalists after the announcement of I Soliti Ignoti on Nove
“If Amadeus leaves and also takes away the formats it will be a problem for Rai”: the protest of Usigrai journalists after the announcement of I Soliti Ignoti on Nove

With a statement against the company, the Usigrai union comments on the words of Laura Carafoli, content manager of the Warner Bros. Discovery group for Southern Europe, who announced in an interview with Repubblica that Amadeus will host at the beginning of the season on Nove uno of his historical programs, I Soliti Ignoti

“Self Amadeus is leaving and taking its successful formats with it, for Rai it will be a major problem. At stake are advertising contracts and audiences who could change channels.” With these words theUsigrai, the Rai journalists’ union, returns to the attack against the company, accusing the management of short-sightedness and arrogance in the management of talent and resources. He does so with a statement that follows the words of Laura Carafoli, responsible for the contents of the Warner Bros. Discovery group for Southern Europe, which he announced in an interview with Republic which Amadeus will host at the beginning of the season on Nine one of its historical programs, THE Usual Unknowns, which will air under the original title Identity. A very hard blow for Viale Mazzini, which not only has lost one of its leading faces but now risks having to do without a program of great public appeal.

Generic reassurances are of little value of the expiring summits on the maintenance of employment perimeters”, thunders Usigrai. “For our part we only see cuts in salaries, elimination of investments in news, reduction in staff, direct calls for new external collaborators and an unnatural proliferation of ad personam qualifications which appears more often detached from any industrial and product reasoning. An overall logic – underlines the union – which is increasing the desk work of journalists who, without crew and technicians to carry out the services, they no longer come out of the editorial offices and are increasingly conditioned by the use of images and news packaged by press offices instead of the possibility of directly verifying the facts”. Usigrai then concludes by asking a radical change of direction for any “information”. truly at the service of citizens and not a megaphone of particular interests”.

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