«This is the only TeleMeloni». The prime minister replies via social media to the left on the “Rai monopoly” and attacks the EU

«Welcome everyone: the only “TeleMeloni” that exists is this… Everything else is fake news from a left that, being used to occupying television, thinks that everyone else is the same as it». It begins like this, complete with a logo ad hoc and with a biting sarcasm towards the opposition, the video on social media in which Giorgia Meloni responds to the controversy over the accusations of “monopoly” due to her excessive presence in Rai. «The data says otherwise, that is, that I am less present in Rai than previous prime ministers», counterattacks the prime minister live from Palazzo Chigi. By transforming his «Appunti di Giorgia» format into «TeleMeloni» for an episode, the secretary of the Democratic Party explicitly ends up in the crosshairs: «Elly Schlein recently said that in this year and a half I would be canceling people’s freedom, a singular accusation for those who voted for the measures to close people at home during the pandemic, but I ask Schlein what freedoms have been canceled by this government . Ours are battles for freedom.”

With just a few days left until June 8th and 9th (here is the latest survey carried out by Ipsos for Courier), the prime minister then turns strongly towards the European front: «The single allowance that we have approved is an effective instrument, it concerns six million families, but the EU commission has opened an infringement procedure with reasons that I have no hesitation in defining as crazy» . And then: «I hope that the next EU summits will have a different approach, in the meantime we will fight».

Then it’s up to the economic front, with further attacks against the 110% Superbonus: «The cost of all the building bonuses – underlines Meloni – is equal to 220 billion euros, more than the amount of the entire Pnrr and this is money that was used to renovate few homes, mostly for those who were better off, and which were taken away from workers, families, schools and healthcare.”

“TeleMeloni” then transmits a reflection on the law which, close to the vote for Brussels, the last Council of Ministers approved on construction: «I consider this rule to be absolutely common sense, because it will allow us to respond to a series of needs housing and also to give some respite to the real estate market which is currently suffering and we want to help revive it.” And then: «The law essentially allows us to remedy the small and slight discrepancies that today are found in the homes of many Italians and which prevent them from selling or purchasing those properties because they are formally considered irregular. Obviously we are not talking about building abuses which – concludes the leader of the Brothers of Italy – none of us intends to remedy, for the avoidance of doubt and contrary to what the opposition says, but we are talking about small, mostly formal and bureaucratic irregularities which today do not allow you to sell your house or renovate it and sometimes to buy one” .

And from the left, after the prime minister’s harsh counterattack, the reply from the secretary of the Democratic Party did not take long to arrive: «Meloni went to Madrid, surrounded by those nostalgic for Franco’s dictatorship, by nationalists, by Trump’s friends, and she thought it best to attack us, the left, saying that we are erasing identity – replies Elly Schlein -. One day you will explain to us what you mean, but in the meantime we want to remind you that in the year and a half that you have been in government, you are the one who is canceling people’s freedom. Because if I have a salary to make and I can’t book a medical visit for two years I’m not fully free. I am very proud of our identity, anti-fascist as our Constitution is, and I wish you could say the same.”

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