From Six Sisters to Endless Love, all the soaps broadcast this summer on Rai and Mediaset

Rai and Mediaset will broadcast various soaps during the summer break: here’s what’s scheduled in the various schedules.

Soap operas have always appealed to the public who become very fond of the various characters and above all the plot of the stories.

From Six Sisters to Endless Love, the summer soaps on Rai and Mediaset (Source: screen –

Soaps always offer intrigue and exciting events that keep viewers glued to the screen. In recent years we have seen an exploit of Turkish and Spanish soaps, which have filled up with ratings on both Rai and Mediaset.

After the autumn and winter seasons, the arrival of summer leads to a change in the schedules, with the inclusion of repeats and purely summer programmes. So what will the Rai and Mediaset schedules be like during the summer with regards to soaps? Let’s find out what should happen soon.

Rai and Mediaset, what the schedules will be like during the summer: the soaps that will be broadcast

Summer is now approaching and many Rai and Mediaset programs will, as mentioned, be on hiatus until September. The break will affect some soaps, while others will continue to be programmed even in the warmer months.

From Six Sisters to Endless Love, the summer soaps on Rai and Mediaset (photo screen –

Among the expected changes, there is one that concerns the Turkish soap opera Endless Love, on which Mediaset has decided to focus heavily, taking into account the success of another Turkish soap, Terra Amara. So Endless Love should no longer air on Saturdays. Furthermore, its programming seems to be scheduled in the time slot give her 2.10pm to 2.45pm, with totally new episodes.

The promiseInstead, will continue to be broadcast and its episodes will last 60 minutes. It will air in daytime which was usually occupied by Amici, which as we know ended last Saturday with Sarah’s victory. The Spanish soap will be broadcast from 4.10pm to 5pm. For Beautiful there will be no changes whatsoever, and it will go on air at the usual time.

As far as Rai is concerned, the soap Six sisters will be visible on the Raiplay streaming platform, Every Friday they will be put on the platform 10 new episodes. It will also be broadcast every afternoon, starting from 28 June, on Rai Premium, from Monday to Friday, therefore changing the channel, given that it was previously broadcast on Rai 1.

So, net of some time changes, the most popular soap operas of the moment will also be broadcast in the summer months, to the delight of the many viewers who can’t wait to find out what will happen to their favorites.

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