Diary Day 38 | Mediaset Infinity

Diary Day 38 | Mediaset Infinity
Diary Day 38 | Mediaset Infinity

The adventure of the Castaways continues on the beaches of Honduras and even during the evening there were no discontents missing.

Still troubled by the numerous nominations received, despite the numerous attempts at rapprochement by some of her teammates, Valentina decides to spend his time alone. Unable to sleep, the fencer ventures into a night fishing session and with patience and perseverance she finally manages to catch a fish: “I fished too, I didn’t watch others fish, I did it” he exclaims.

Taken by enthusiasm, in taking the fishing tools, the fencer forgets to close the box containing the fish and lets all the hermit crabs available escape. Annoyed, Greta tell Tow and ad Alvina what happened and hopes to find new hermit crabs soon so we can continue fishing.

During the morning, after days of silence, Valentina he decides to open up to his companions. The Castaway explains that she was disappointed not only by the numerous nominations received, but also by the criticism received from Samuel And Matilda who he considered his friends. That’s not all: what also annoyed her were Greta’s accusations that she defined her as a childish woman and the reproaches of Tow. “I believe in people’s values, I have always been myself and words hurt” she exclaims bitterly. She is tired of suffering because of others, she confesses that she wants to continue this week away from the rest of the Castaways, with her own pantry and with her fire: “I’m going to enjoy this week alone because I need to detox.”

Feeling sorry for his partner, Tow he tries to explain to her again the point of view of the entire group and reassures her by telling her that, regardless of the bickering, everyone continues to think highly of her. Furthermore, he invites her to spend the next few days in their company and reminds her that, in her moments of discouragement, she can always count on her group.

Although very doubtful, Valentina he accepts the compromise and decides to put aside past misunderstandings by embracing his companions in a sincere embrace.

Meanwhile, due to a small careless error, Aras risks crossing the line. To avoid receiving further sanctions, Valentina he immediately decides to call his partner back. His attitude, however, soon becomes annoying Greta who, during a moment of confidence with Alvina, criticizes Valentina for attracting attention: “Valentina shouldn’t have shouted it”.

If among the Barracudas the climate continues to be less relaxed, among the Coquinos the air is much more relaxed.

Despite the few benefits and numerous difficulties, on Playa Tristeza the Castaways manage to fish some sea urchins and a turbot and say they are amazed at the result obtained. “What was the name of this beach? Tristezaa? I don’t think so”he claims Arthur; “Not even me with companions like you”he replies Dario.

The day continues with chatting and relaxation.

Dario decides to give lessons to Karina to help you use your diaphragm correctly; Arthurinstead, starts a new fishing session and dedicates the loot to Khady calling her a cute and nice girl.

Having already found a certain harmony, Khady, Linda And Karina they nickname themselves the “Charlie’s Angels” of the Playa and venture onto the rocks in search of shellfish. Without realizing it, the three reach a new beach on foot and, amazed by the beauty of the place, hope to soon receive a more hospitable Playa.

Having failed to bring any type of mollusc to shore, Linda she says she’s sorry: she confesses that she isn’t good at fishing and explains that she discovered it when, by mistake, she set the hook on herself.

Matildainstead, he jokes with Dario about him doing anything other than diving into the sea: “You’re like kids, if you don’t catch it it’s your fault, I throw the hook and you throw yourself where I have the hook” he exclaims, inviting him to be more respectful.

Meanwhile, Samuel he notices the absence of the “portion box” and, worried, asks for information from Karina And Linda. After a brief search, the two manage to find the very precious object, but receive a rebuke from the dancer who invites them to pay more attention.

A provision for Matilde

The group’s activities are interrupted by the arrival of a press release anticipating a new sanction. Due to a careless error during a fishing session Matilda he crossed the line. Having broken the rules, the Spirit of the Island decides to punish the entire team: the Castaways will not be able to fish for the next forty-eight hours.

Mortified by what happened, Matilda he apologizes to his teammates. Arthur he invites her not to worry and immediately looks for a solution: “We’ll go look for coconuts” he exclaims. Darioinstead, lashes out against the Spirit of the Island: “There is no yellow thread, it doesn’t seem ethical to me”.

The Spirit of the Island asks Valentina to sincerely express their opinion on each Castaway in exchange for a sweet reward.

Without too many turns of phrase, the fencer does not spare her criticism Khady: believes that, in order to get ahead in the game, she would be willing to betray her teammates just like Arthur; the latter is defined as an inconsistent and insincere boy, while Edward is seen by Valentina like a Castaway full of energy and sociable.

The fencer turns to Matilda saying that she is sorry for the recent misunderstandings and, caring a lot about their friendship, she hopes to be able to clarify things with her as soon as possible. Furthermore, she spares no compliments towards Aras And Alvinain his opinion indispensable for the group.

Sorry for the squabbles we had during this adventure, Valentina apologizes to Samuel for hurting him. He compliments Greta for his personal growth path and defines Tow like a wise person who always manages to say the right thing at the right time.

Annoyed by the words of Valentina, Khady he decides to face his partner face to face: the model criticizes the fencer as she believes that she accused her because of the Nomination she received. Between the two, tempers begin to heat up and a heated argument breaks out.

Valentina lets off steam with her classmates

Not having understood the reaction of Khady, Valentina she asks her teammates for their opinion, but the Barracudas immediately try to reassure her.

Meanwhile, being satisfied with the statements of Valentina, the Spirit of the Island grants the fencer a sweet prize: three donuts. The Castaway apologizes to some of her companions and decides to give the reward to Greta and ad Alvina.

Khady accuses Valentina

Still troubled by the words of Valentina, Khady she decides to vent to her classmates: she admits that she was upset and hypothesizes that she only wanted to accuse her because she resented the Nomination she received.

Ready to take the model’s defense, Matilda she confesses that she didn’t appreciate the fencer and says she’s sorry for even giving her advice. Agree with her, too Edward think that Valentina made a mistake: “There are people with whom you must not break barriers otherwise you will be overwhelmed by their emotions”.

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