Agcom wants equal conditions, the duel between Meloni and Schlein is at risk

Agcom wants equal conditions, the duel between Meloni and Schlein is at risk
Agcom wants equal conditions, the duel between Meloni and Schlein is at risk

Now Agcom dictates the conditions: TV comparisons among the leaders of the lists running for the European elections are legitimate only if the format is accepted by the majority of the groups present in Parliament. It’s a clear goal. A setback that jeopardizes the already decided television challenge between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein.

The indication coming from the Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority after the requests for opinion sent by Rai, by the president of the Supervision Barbara Floridia and by Michele Santoro reopens all the games. Skip the Meloni-Schlein “face to face” on Raiuno in Bruno Vespa’s living room? Does the idea of ​​a double comparison between the major and minor lists advanced by the director of TgLa7 Enrico Mentana and hypothesized for 5 and 6 June fail?

Let’s rebuild. Nobody likes the idea that the European vote on 8 and 9 June is described as a challenge between the leaders of the country’s two main parties, Fratelli d’Italia and Pd. And they don’t like pairings that would allow others to compare themselves to guarantee some sort of equal conditions.

Tajani doesn’t want Renzi. Conte doesn’t want Salvini. Skip the dating game. A few days before the vote, the unknown yes or no TV duels grow. Tajani he prefers “group comparison. Let’s all have a meeting together, given that there is proportional representation”, repeats the deputy prime minister and leader of Forza Italia who is not willing to see his political force downgraded to a minor force in TV duels: “I represent the first party in Europe . In fact, the confrontation is between the People’s Party and the Socialists and I cannot accept that the EPP – and therefore FI – can be considered second-class”.

The no’s overlap. Calendar he avoids football metaphors but agrees with Tajani. Better in a group than as a couple: «We want discussion with everyone. American style. Or at least a comparison with all those who are represented in Europe.” Then, seeing as he is there, Calenda attacks Schlein: «he always says that he doesn’t want the premiership but then he makes a comparison to a premiership». Here are the doubts. This is how they explain the no to a two-person duel.

Now there is Agcom’s position. Which leaves a range of hypotheses open. Even that of multiple consecutive duels. But what he says clearly that it is necessary that the cycle brings together at least six leaders, as there are eleven groups in Parliament. According to the Council, which voted against Elisa Giomi, it is necessary to “guarantee equal treatment by offering all political subjects the same opportunity for discussion”. And again: «The broadcasts dedicated to the comparison can be considered legitimate where the relevant format is accepted by a large majority of the lists in electoral competition and in any case by the majority of the lists with representation in Parliament.

Any compensatory spaces for those who have to give up the format of the discussions must be organized in compliance with the principle of equal listening opportunities”. The issue will now come to the attention of the Supervisory Commission, which today, after the hearing of the CEO Roberto Sergio and the general director Giampaolo Rossi, decided to also summon the president of Rai Marinella Soldi on the case of Antonio’s failure to participate Darken to “Chesarà…”.

But in the meantime the European elections could represent a decisive watershed for the future of public television, because only after the vote – it now seems probable – will the balance of power between the three government parties be weighed to decide the next president, in addition to the four councilors of parliamentary responsibility. For the CEO, the games should instead be done with the appointment of Giampaolo Rossi. Furthermore, the election of the councilor representing the employees is scheduled for May 20th: the candidates are Davide Di Pietro, Alessandra Clementini and Pietro Muratori.

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