the day of truth has arrived

the day of truth has arrived
the day of truth has arrived

ANCONA And the day of judgment has come. This morning at 9 o’clock sharp is the deadline for adhering to the public notice “for the acquisition of expressions of interest from companies for the registration of the football team representing the Municipality of Ancona in an amateur championship for the 2024-25 sports season”.

Fears and hopes

Up to now, the strictest confidentiality has been maintained at Palazzo del Popolo regarding any candidatures. A silence officially motivated by the need to avoid alleged auction rigging. However, last Saturday the mayor shed a beam of light and optimism on the darkness that has so far surrounded the evolution of the procedure. His profession of confidence, expressed to our newspaper, on the possibility of detecting among the expressions of interest at least one reliable and suitable to prevent the city’s first team from drowning again in the lowest amateur categories has sparked hope.

We have said and written several times that this is an almost impossible mission, however Silvetti has done a lot to save what could be saved. The disaster created on June 4 by the trio of Tony Tiong, Mauro Canil and former CEO Roberta Nocelli, whose powers were also withdrawn before the transfer to Francesco Agnello, risks burying the symbol of the Cavaliere Armato and the red and white jerseys in total oblivion. The hope of those who love Ancona and are anxious about its fate is entirely in the hands of Daniele Silvetti.

However, the moment of truth has arrived, that of revealing the cards. This morning from 9.01 we will proceed to the opening of what we would once have called the envelopes. A practice now replaced by certified e-mail, more anonymous and verifiable but with a certain date, hour and minute. The hope is that they will be numerous but above all that there will be at least one in which Daniele Silvetti can find the characteristics of solvency, reliability and seriousness required by the public tender. It is no longer time for contacts and negotiations, either inside or outside. The FIGC does not wait any longer, the non-repayable tax of 400 thousand euros must be paid by Thursday 4 July which constitutes the necessary but not sufficient requirement for registration in Serie D. Once the above sum has been paid, any club or entrepreneur chosen by the mayor will have until Monday 8 July to complete the procedure with the additional documentation requested.

Many contacts and discussions have taken place in recent days with the mayor by potentially interested parties. There have been notable ones, some of which vanished during construction. Individuals such as the Passeri family, already a twenty percent minority shareholder of Ascoli as well as sponsor of Spezia, and the Manzo group whose leader Guglielmo is the current president of Arezzo and who had also confirmed that they were concretely evaluating the hypothesis, have already disappeared. Ancona. There have also been contacts with Ferretti Group, leader in shipbuilding activities. A couple of interesting candidates seem to have remained on the table, one of which was expressed by a Roman group that has had several contacts with the mayor. The most quoted hypotheses concern entrepreneurs not from the area. As always, however, tenders can hide surprises, both negative and positive. Let’s hope that the right time has finally come for Ancona and that Silvetti can declare his “impossible mission” accomplished today. But if he is confident there must be a reason.


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