An online platform to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand

An online platform to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand
An online platform to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand

TAKE OFF Orienta Family, the online platform to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand in the field of domestic work, in particular for domestic workers, carers and babysitters. The platform allows families to search for qualified personnel based on their needs and workers in the sector to apply. A specific service is also provided for companies as part of corporate welfare plans. Orienta Family, to date, has over 12 thousand registered families and employers, around 40 thousand domestic workers and over 5 thousand pay slips issued in 2023. “The domestic work sector in Italy plays a fundamental role in the field of family welfare – he explains Giuseppe Biazzo (in the photo below), CEO of the Orienta Group – both for the impact on the real opportunities for reconciling work-life times and for the help it offers in the situations of assistance to one’s family members sector presupposes an offer of qualified services throughout the process, from the search and selection of personnel to the signing of the employment contract, up to the management of the pay slip”.

Domestic work in Italy is worth around 20 billion euros a year and it is expected that its value could double by 2030, given the progressive aging of the population. The sector employs around 900 thousand people including housekeepers and carers and it is estimated that at least another 23 thousand will be needed by 2024. Over 7% of families use a babysitter, above all due to the need to reconcile professional commitments with family ones. Ensuring an adequate supply of domestic work in line with families’ requests also has an indirect impact on people’s work in general. It is estimated, in fact, that the absence of housekeepers, carers and babysitters leads to a decrease in the working activity of families in 30% of cases, to directly meet the needs of assistance and care. The role of domestic work is increasingly central in family welfare systems in addition to the direct and indirect impacts on employment and the needs for work-life balance. Furthermore, a fundamental fact to consider is the significant presence of undeclared work in the field of domestic work. Various research institutes calculate the presence of irregular work of around 800 thousand workers, with a percentage of the total number of workers close to 50%. A figure much higher than the national average of undeclared work which is around 12%.

Giada Sancini

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