Annalisa, an asteroid named after her: it’s the “gift” of astrophysicists

And asteroid bears the name of Italian singer Annalisa. This incredible tribute was paid to her by WGSBNun Working Group dell’International Astronomical Union (IAU) which is responsible for assigning names to minor planets and comets and has decided to dedicate a celestial body in the main belt to her. The artist, fresh from his success at Sanremo 2024with the song SincerelyAnd Graduated in Physicseven if his success is linked to the Italian music scene, where he is one of the most important voices today.

Read also: Annalisa and Tananai together for Storie Brevi, the new summer hit

an asteroid for annalisa

Is called “20014 Annalisa” the asteroid dedicated to the Italian singer. “She graduated in physics (from the University of Turin, ed.), but she left her mark in the music sector”: this is what we read in the file of the small celestial object dedicated by the IAU to the singer who with the Spanish version of Sincerely, When when whenis achieving great success.

Currently we also listen to her on the radio with the single Short Storiesperformed with Tananai. The asteroid that bears the name of the artist originally from Savona was discovered in 1991 by Henry E. Holt at the Palomar Observatory in California.

The motivation

The mark left according to the WGSBN is important: “Annalisa Scarrone (born 1985) is an Italian singer and songwriter. Having graduated in Physics, she has established herself in the music industry, achieving considerable international success with her songs having won awards and numerous platinum records.”

The last time the asteroid was seen by NASA telescopes was last May, two months after the singer’s performance at Sanremo 2024. asteroid data are accessible to all in the WGSBN bulletin 4, n. 8: so the whole world (and even the universe) can learn about Annalisa’s strength.

Annalisa’s joy for the asteroid

The singer in hers Stories on Instagram celebrated this incredible recognition, posting smiley faces, hearts and asteroids to accompany the news.

Some time ago the 38-year-old told her story in an interview university experience: “It’s one of those things that I would do again immediately, because it was life training, once you reach a goal like this you feel like you can do anything. At least I felt that way. And then I’ve always been curious, a lover of science and experiments, even a little nerdy, that slightly crazy streak is in my blood.”

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