Security alarm: too many thefts, a meeting requested in District 5 – Turin News

Security alarm: too many thefts, a meeting requested in District 5 – Turin News
Security alarm: too many thefts, a meeting requested in District 5 – Turin News

Security alert in the Cunenrollment 5 of the city of Torino: continuous thefts and vandalism in commercial establishments.

In the last meeting of the council, on June 19, it was requested with urgency and encounter of the provincial committee for order and public security, on initiatives to protect shopkeepers.

«It would be appropriate, given the possibility made available by the meeting that took place, to ask the following people for their availability to chair the meeting components: commander of the local police, chamber of commerce, trade associations in particular Confaesercenti, Ascom and Epat” asks Alfredo Ballatore, coordinator of the subcommission at Welfare of the 5th District.

«This meeting is necessary, as a Decentralized Body, – he continues – to act as promoters in transferring all the useful information to be able to reach our production fabric, the object of continued acts of vandalism and the thefts to be able to comply with the provisions of the prefecture regarding the possibility of installing anti-theft devices e cameras financed by the Region and the Chamber of Commerce”.

The meeting was agreed with the various representations for Wednesday 10 July at 14.

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