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NASA Dedicates an Asteroid to Annalisa for Her Degree in Physics

“She has a degree in physics, but she has made herself known in the music industry”: with these motivations NASA has decided to dedicate an asteroid to the singer who is in the ears of many these days thanks to her new catchphrase, «Short Stories»sung in duet with Tananai. In the data sheet for the asteroid “20014 Annalisa”, NASA highlights the “sign” left by the singer in the world of music. This is the entire text of the card: «Annalisa Scarrone (born 1985) is an Italian singer and songwriter. She graduated in physics, she established herself in the music industry, achieving notable international success with her songs which won poars and numerous platinum records». Annalisa — author in the last two years of catchphrases such as “My Love” and “Sincerely” — graduated in physics from the University of Turin. «It’s one of those things I would do again immediately – said the born singer in Savona 38 years ago in an interview —, because it was a life training, once you reach a goal like this you feel like you can do anything. At least I felt that way. And then I have always been curious, a lover of science and experiments, even a little nerdy, that slightly crazy streak is in my blood.” On the NASA website it will therefore be possible to follow the position, trajectory and characteristics of the asteroid “20014 Annalisa”, discovered in 1991 by Henry E. Holt at Palomar Observatory, California.

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