“Flood, the Region is responsible for maintaining the territory”

“Flood, the Region is responsible for maintaining the territory”
“Flood, the Region is responsible for maintaining the territory”

“The rains of these days – Gaetana Russo and Federico De Belvis (Fdi) write in a note -, which we hope are now behind us, have heavily affected some municipalities in the foothills and our Apennines, until the case of the tragic death of Bruno Uccelli, in Castione in the Traversetolo area, to whose family we offer, on behalf of the entire FdI community, our deepest condolences precisely because the Parma community has suffered such serious damage, and a loss that for all of us, in those methods, in attempting to defend what has been built over a lifetime, are even more unacceptable, we waited a few days before making some necessary considerations”.

“Streams and rivers – continues the note – have overflowed, invading roads and eroding agricultural soil. And with every rain, even if heavy, the news shows us a territory on its knees, most of the time because rivers and streams are not kept (clean?) , even with huge allocations from the Government. Some episodes would certainly have been avoided with timely and concrete work to secure the riverbeds and banks, and when this happens the responsibility lies with the Region and/or the Basin authority” .

“The Region – states the press release – is competent in matters of water and hydraulic safety, and this competence was strengthened just recently with a ruling of 13 June of the Higher Court of Public Waters, if anyone ever believed that it is the prerogative of vulgates, orders of the day or amendments in the legislative assembly. But the bad adage with which the resigning President Bonaccini and his council, to free themselves from their own shortcomings, would then blame the Government for urgent solutions and compensation, is not in the grammar of those, like FdI, who know and respect the value of individual institutions, from whom they ask for maximum responsibility in their role”.

“It is up to the Region – concludes the note – to intervene first in the maintenance of the territories, and then urgently in the resolution of the damage caused, it is in its statutory duties to convene, if necessary, the services conference with the interested bodies (civil protection, local authorities, ASL , Fire Brigade etc.) or declare a regional state of emergency. And in compliance with its specific functions, the judgment on a left which up to now has, in our opinion, been disastrous, will always be dutifully supported. in the fight against hydrogeological instability and soil protection, we entrust it to the people of Emilia Romagna, called to the polls in October by the resigning Bonaccini. Now, however, it is time to intervene to restore our territory, define a serious one with the utmost urgency maintenance and safety plan for the rivers and streams of the Region in order, where possible, to avoid continuous episodes like those of recent days which – in the best of cases – put citizens and productive activities in difficulty and – in the worst – lead to tragic events. This is due to a hard-working, industrious population, capable of solidarity and mutual support, like that of Parma”.

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