Flaminio Stadium, Gualtieri-Lotito meeting in the Campidoglio

Flaminio Stadium, Gualtieri-Lotito meeting in the Campidoglio
Flaminio Stadium, Gualtieri-Lotito meeting in the Campidoglio

Appointment for next Monday, July 8, at the Campidoglio. The mayor Roberto Gualtieri e Claudio Lotitopresident of Lazio and senator of Forza Italia, will meet in the Municipality in a week to take stock of the Biancocelesti’s project: the future of the Flaminio stadium is at stake.

Lotito has already taken the first steps, writing to Campidoglio a few days ago and asking to set up a meeting. Now there is a date to discuss the redevelopment plan for the facility designed by Nervi for the 1960 Olympics and abandoned for more than 10 years.

Flaminio Stadium, Lotito writes to Gualtieri: “The project for Lazio’s new home is ready”

by Giulio Cardone, Lorenzo D’Albergo

June 27, 2024

There the owner wants to build “the new home of Lazio”. According to the first rumors about the project, the stadium imagined by the designers hired by the Biancocelesti should accommodate 50 thousand seats with a new ring to be built on top of the existing structure.

Whether all this will be possible – in the past the Flaminio has been defined as the “showroom of constraints” by those who have tried to approach the structure – will depend on the evaluations that the Campidoglio and the club will carry out together starting next week.

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