Tau Metalli wins everything: they are Italian Champions again

Tau Metalli wins everything: they are Italian Champions again
Tau Metalli wins everything: they are Italian Champions again

The regional championship, the Brescia Cup and also the national finals of the Uisp football sector (amateurs). A 3 out of 3, the perfect number for Chiari’s Tau Metalli, or rather, for the Italian Champions.

Tau Metalli wins everything: they are Italian Champions again

The one spent in Rimini, in the Romagna area, was a weekend for the Clare team that saw a dream come true and culminate in the best possible way a season already full of successes, the first under the presidency of Gianmario Forlani (who grew up in the Tau) who collected the baton passed by Bruno Vermi (historic founder who remains honorary president).

In short, GS Calcio Amatori Chiari, better known simply as Tau Metalli, has once again hit the target, making the city proud again on Sunday.

The story on their shoulders is over 50 years old. Born in 1971, a bit for fun and a lot for fun, over the years they have won many provincial, regional and national championships with triumph in the first European meeting in 1980.

The competition

Those spent between Rimini and Riccione were days of sun and football, which saw 30 clubs from all over Italy as protagonists.

Around 800 athletes (between those involved in the men’s tournament and those who played the women’s).

Among the most awaited matches, without a shadow of a doubt, the 11-a-side football final, which saw our own Amatori Calcio Chiari on the field who played against the Ligurian team ASLA Genova, winning 2 to 0 and raising the cup to the sky .


Gianmario Forlani (president), Angelo Parladori (vice), Bruno Vermi (honorary president and founder of Tau), Fulvio Lorini, Franco Vermi, Claudio Orizio, Andrea Memoli, Mauro Vermi, Giancarlo Barbieri, Paolo Vertua, Giuseppe Pelucchi, Claudio Serina and Francesco Mirani, Lorenzo Gabbo and Marco Saronni.

Technical staff

Luca Pelosi (coach), Roberto Lorini (assistant), Luca Calabria, Paolo Vezzoli, Sergio Cucchi, Omar Gandossi, Antonio Piantoni and Giovanni Turra.

The team

Daniele Goffi, Fabio Cancelli, Andrea Barucco, Enrico Buzzoni, Luca Rossini, Giovanni Brescianini, Paolo Facchi, Davide Galli, Fabio Mantegari, Dervishai Alsejni, Alessandro Sala, Alberto Zani, Cristopher Branchina, Marco Grasselli, Luca Piovanelli, Mattia Altobelli, Marco Slanzi , Stefano Franchi, Christian Rossini, Alessandro Bosetti, Qvejvani Majk, Jacopo Lorusso, Roberto Podavite, Simone Canevari (captain).

Therefore, all that remains is to wait, after the well-deserved rest, for the start of a new season which, without a shadow of a doubt, will still be full of successes.

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