Luminous butterflies and fire games: “Dream” enchants Fiorenzuola

Luminous butterflies and fire games: “Dream” enchants Fiorenzuola
Luminous butterflies and fire games: “Dream” enchants Fiorenzuola

Dream – Photo Marco Mancini

Double event for the Notte Bianca in Fiorenzuola, as part of the Nuove Esplosioni Valdarda Festival of Sciara projects, with the artistic direction of Ture Magro. And if the night was white, because it was late, the first event in Piazza Molinari was a true explosion of colours: it was the pillow fight, organized by the Melarancio Company with the participation of many people: available a thousand ‘ammunitions’ which however are the complete opposite of weapons, because you are truly disarmed when you become a child again, capable of being amazed.

And it is the feeling of abandonment to the dream and the enchantment that continued thanks to the “Dream” show, also staged in Piazza Molinari, with stilt walkers, dancers, plays of light and fire.

The evening saw a large audience, enthusiastic and participating. It was also a success due to the beautiful collaboration that was created between Sciara, the Municipality and the commercial and catering activities of Fiorenzuola of the Vetrine in Centro association. The support of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation is also decisive, allowing the various events spread across six municipalities of the Val d’Arda to be offered to the public free of charge.

The mayor Romeo Gandolfi with the councilors Marcello Minari and Elena Grilli, Mario Magnelli for the Foundation and Ture Magro, artistic director of the Festival who commented: “We have received dozens of messages from our audience thanking us for the magic experienced together”.

“We are grateful and moved – he continues – for so much participation and joy that the public expresses. The two events on Saturday close a cycle of events held in Fiorenzuola which were all highly appreciated”.

“The quality of the proposal is our primary objective and we will continue with four other artists of great importance: Mario Perrotta (on 29 June in Piazza Inzani in Morfasso), Lucilla Giagnoni (on 28 June at the Chiaravalle Abbey of Alseno), Antonella Delli Gatti (June 30th at the garden of the geological museum of Castell’arquato) and Paolo Rossi (July 5th at the Antica Pieve di Vernasca) for the closing event”.

“This year the festival, in its fourth edition – concludes Ture Magro – has decided to surpass itself; we want to continue to dare and experiment with various languages ​​to amaze our spectators who increasingly come from various cities and regions”.


Pillow battle – Photo Marco Mancini

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