Fresh Lazio Notice | Eleonora Mattia

Fresh Lazio Notice | Eleonora Mattia
Fresh Lazio Notice | Eleonora Mattia

Activate aid measures aimed at catering operators, of hotel accommodation with catering, of the transformation and trade for the purchase and consumption of fresh milk from Lazio in such a way as to provide a indirect help to operators who produce and transform fresh milk from Lazio.

This is the purpose of the public notice approved by the Lazio Region with a financial allocation of 3 million euros.

THE beneficiary subjects, on the date of submission of the application, they must be operators in the catering, processing and food trade who carry out the activity, whether primary or secondary, in the regional territory relating to the following nos. 21 ISTAT ATECO 2007 codes:

  • 56.10.11 Catering with administration;
  • 56.10.12 Catering activities connected to agricultural companies;
  • 56.10.20 Catering without administration with preparation of take-away foods;
  • 56.10.30 Ice cream shops and pastry shops;
  • 56.10.41 Ice cream and pastry shops;
  • 56.10.42 Mobile catering;
  • 56.10.50 Catering on trains and ships;
  • 56.21.00 Catering for events, banqueting;
  • 56.29.10 Canteens;
  • 56.29.20 Continuous catering on a contractual basis;
  • 56.30.00 Bars and other similar establishments without kitchens;
  • 55.10.00 Hotels;
  • 55.20.52 Accommodation activities connected to agricultural holdings;
  • 10.71.10 Production of fresh bakery products;
  • 10.71.20 Production of fresh pastries;
  • 10.52.00 Production of ice cream without direct sale to the public;
  • 47.11.10 Hypermarkets;
  • 47.11.20 Supermarkets;
  • 47.11.30 Food discount;
  • 47.11.40 Minimarkets and other businesses not specialized in various foodstuffs;
  • 47.29.10 Retail sale of milk dairy products.

All beneficiaries must possess the following requirements:

  1. be registered in the Business Register, established at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture competent for the territory; in order to verify that the applicant company belongs to one of the eligible ISTAT ATECO 2007 codes, reference will be made exclusively to the code of the operational unit, or operational units, located in Lazio, as indicated in the certificate of the competent Chamber of Commerce. By operational unit we mean the place where the entrepreneurial activity is actually carried out;
  2. be in business at the time of submitting the request for help;
  3. not be a company in difficulty within the meaning of Community legislation on state aid for the rescue and restructuring of companies in difficulty;
  4. not be in a situation of bankruptcy, liquidation, composition with creditors, controlled administration or with ongoing proceedings that could lead to one of the aforementioned situations;
  5. be in compliance with the rules on social security and contributions at the time of payment of the eligible contribution.

The total amount of funds made available with this notice is equal to €3,000,000.00. A financial reserve is established, equal to €2,000,000.00, for applications submitted by operators in possession of ATECO codes identified in Article 5 of this notice and other than the following:

  • 47.11.10 – Hypermarkets;
  • 47.11.20 – Supermarkets;
  • 47.11.30 – Grocery discount.

This notice and the computerized management of applications is “a door“, or the applications received regularly and considered admissible, will be evaluated and paid, up to the economic ceiling defined above. The individual applications will be processed in progression, based on the times of receipt, without waiting for the completion of the collection of admissible applications for aid.

The total amount of “de minimis” aid granted by a Member State to a single enterprise cannot exceed €300,000.00 over the three financial years preceding the verification for the purpose of granting the contribution. In the calculation of the “de minimis” ceiling, both the company that requested the benefit and any group of companies connected to it must be taken into consideration which, on the basis of the definition reported in article 2 paragraph 2 of the Reg. (EU) no. 1308/2013, constitute the “single company”. In the event that eligible purchases exceed the maximum amount that can be granted under the “de minimis” regime, the excess part will be borne by the applicant.

Applications, complete with all the elements and required documentation, must be submitted exclusively through the electronic procedure accessible from the regional portal at the link starting from 10.00 am on 18 June 2024.

Access to the portal and subsequent completion of the contribution application will only be permitted through the SPID (Public Digital Identity System) / CIE (Electronic Identity Card) credentials or the TS/CNS Carta Nazionale dei Servizi registered in the name of the owner or representative lawyer of the requesting company. To submit, register and register the application, the applicant must complete the online form on the regional portal indicated above.

Until the funds referred to in this announcement are exhausted, it will be possible to submit up to one maximum of two questions for each applicant, referring to different purchases and until the maximum grantable amount is reached. Each applicant will be able to submit the second application only after sending the report relating to the first application sent via PEC to [email protected].

Each applicant is identified by their chamber of commerce position (REA code) at the local business register. If more than two applications are sent, the last two applications received in chronological order will be considered valid, which will cancel and replace those previously sent. The application is considered submitted with the generation of the relevant registration code on the Lazio Region portal and with the receipt, at the e-mail address indicated in the application by the applicant, of the notifications of receipt and registration of the same. The applicant will receive notification of receipt and registration of the submitted application, with indication of the assigned code and complete with the documents inserted during the submission phase, from the regional e-mail address [email protected] and, following the registration of the The application will receive the regional protocol number assigned by the prose address: [email protected].

In the event of an error during the submission of the application, throughout the period of opening of the tender, the possibility of revoking it is permitted. The applicant who intends to revoke an application already submitted, in order to submit another valid one, must do so exclusively by sending a request for cancellation of the application incorrectly submitted to the PEC address [email protected] indicating number in the subject application protocol, name of the beneficiary and related VAT number.

Once the investigation of the correctly submitted applications has been carried out, the Directorate for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Hunting and Fishing, Forestry with its own act, then determines:

  • the list of admitted and financeable applications, registered in the National Register of State Aid on the CAR associated with the measure of this announcement no. 28491;
  • the list of ineligible applications;
  • the list of applications received but not examined due to exhaustion of the fund.

The lists of applications admitted and not admitted to the aid will be published in the Official Bulletin of the Lazio Region and on the regional website at the link It is specified that the publication of the lists will have the value of notification in all respects.


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PREV at THIS PRICE it should be taken immediately
NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this