Milly Carlucci, daughter Angelica’s wedding: “Happiness”

Big family party for the presenter of Dancing with the Stars who shared the joy of her daughter’s wedding

Valentina Di Nino


Roman, degree in Political Sciences, journalist by chance. I have written for newspapers, weeklies, sites and agencies, mainly news and entertainment.

New VIP wedding of this hot summer 2024. To say yes and to exchange with the new husband Fabio Borghese it was yesterday Angelica Donati, daughter of Milly Carlucci and the entrepreneur Angelo Donati.

A share his joy with fans and follower was actually the host of Dancing on the Stars who, by posting a photo with the couple, sent a very tender message to her daughter: “Fabio and Angelica, a world of love and happiness”, and a deluge of little hearts. A message that expresses the emotion of a very important moment for the family and also denies the rumors that have emerged in recent months when, upon the announcement of the upcoming wedding, someone had rumored that Milly Carlucci and her husband did not look favorably upon the union of their firstborn Angelica with Prince Fabio Borghesewho is twenty years older than her. An obstacle that, looking at the shots published by the presenter and those posted by the bride, seems to have been overcome. The photos in fact portray a happy family, reunited to celebrate an important emotion.

The wedding took place in the castle of the groom’s family, in the medieval village of Montevettolini in Monsummamno, near Pistoia, in the splendor of the Tuscan countryside. A residence that Borghese often frequents throughout the year. The newlyweds arrived on board a private helicopter and, after the ceremony, welcomed the guests in a suggestive location, rich in art, history and surrounded by greenery.

For its Angelica Donati wedding, she chose an elegant and simple white satin dress with bare shoulders and opted for a party that welcomed around fifty guests, not a mega event therefore, but a day of celebration with family and closest friends. There daughter of Milly Carlucci on the other hand, she is a successful woman in her field but very reserved. She is a real estate entrepreneur and has never felt the call of the world of entertainment of which her mother and aunts are part.

Her path was clear right from the start and, between following in her mother’s and father’s footsteps, Angelica preferred to take the second path by undertaking studies at the London School of Economics and then becoming a manager with a brilliant career.

Beautiful and obviously excited, mother Milly Carlucci, who chose a beautiful turquoise outfit for the occasion and who in the photos posted on social media appears radiant alongside her son and new son-in-law.

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