Flood in the Grisons, the San Bernardino highway will reopen on July 10th, but halfway

Flood in the Grisons, the San Bernardino highway will reopen on July 10th, but halfway
Flood in the Grisons, the San Bernardino highway will reopen on July 10th, but halfway

The A13 motorway which crosses eastern Switzerland will reopen – “halfway” – on July 10th: the date was announced by USTRA, the Federal Roads Office, after the necessary assessments following the flood of last June 21st. (photo: Ustra)

Why does it reopen “halfway”? Because between Lostallo and Mesocco initially you will only travel on two lanes (one in each direction). The work on the four lanes will then be completed by the winter.

Two weeks of work will be needed, less than the time expected two days agowhen there was talk of a month of closure.

The headquarters of the highway was swept away two hundred meters by the riverwhich changed its course with the force of the flood: to restore the A13 the roadway furthest from the riverbed will be rebuilt firstthe one heading south. As mentioned, for a few months it will be used as a single carriageway, with only one lane in each direction.

Subsequently the other carriageway will also be rebuilt, with a horizon of late autumn-early winter.

Traffic management, I invite you to use the train

The diversion of traffic from the A13 axis has caused an increase in flows on the motorway. Swiss authorities on Tuesday urged citizens to avoid traveling by car to flooded areas and to in any case prefer to use the train, for which they were also foreseen additional carriages and journeys (11 thousand more seats for next weekend).

San Bernardino remains reachable via the Cantonale, but only if you have a reservation in a tourist facility or if you have a property.

For now, the traffic ban for trucks remains in place at night and on Sundays, but it could be eased in specific areas.

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