Ancient medieval melodies in the Isonzo area, Musica Cortese returns in July

Ancient medieval melodies in the Isonzo area, Musica Cortese returns in July
Ancient medieval melodies in the Isonzo area, Musica Cortese returns in July

26.06.2024 – 08.30 – Late yesterday morning, Tuesday 25 June, the 21st edition of Musica Cortese.
The widespread festival organized by Dramsamthe Giuliano Center for Ancient Music, will be divided, from Thursday 4 July to Sunday 28 Septemberin the suggestive historical places of Gorizia, Aquileia, Cormons, Cividale, Gradisca and Farra d’Isonzo.
As explained by Alessandra Cossi (curator of the event), the title chosen for the 21st edition of Musica Cortese will be “beautiful stone”a tribute to a Dante verse that recalls the value of the stone as a guardian and witness of the past, a stone that perfectly reflects the close relationship between the Festival’s repertoire and its locations.

“Through music, food and wine and other cultural events, initiatives such as Musica Cortese allow us to appreciate and restore centrality to our territory. – added the municipal councilor for culture, Fabrizio Oreti – The work carried out by Dramsam allows us to further enhance the Castle, a symbolic place of the city which will confirm itself as the tourist epicenter of the Isonzo even after 2025.”


After the prologue at the Cathedral of Gorizia with the European Union Baroque Orchestra, the event will begin Thursday 4 Julyat 21to the Early Christian Museum of Aquileia Monastery with “Habibi, Ahava’, Amor”, profane love in the lyrical music of the Islamic, Jewish and Christian Middle Ages. The journey between the three great monotheistic religions will be preceded by “Art in touch”, a tactile journey open to all and designed within the same Museum.

The musical journey presented by Fabio Accursoartistic director of the event, will continue, Thursday 11that the Villanova di Farra estate with “Infiniti reflexes” that, at 21will see theAquilegia Ensemble. At the end, a historical buffet will be offered by the J. Rudel Academy and the winery.
The Musica Cortese event will also include particular attention to ancient traditions: it will enrich Thursday’s evening, from 19the event “Petro wines”a historical-naturalistic journey curated by Daniela Marcovich. Although focused on notes, the event, in fact, also looks at food and wine and guided tours to discover the area.

The next day, Friday, July 12the review will move to Torriani Palace in Gradisca. At 21L’Dramsam ensemble will perform in “Sirventes“, a musical criticism of corruption in the church and state of medieval Europe introduced by the professor Riccardo Drusiprofessor at Ca’ Foscari University.

Also in July, Friday 19at 21to Strassoldo palace (the current Entourage hotel in Gorizia) will be the turn of “King”With the’Gamut ensemble (Finland), while Thursdayat 20the event will be titled “Fin’amor” and the theme is courtly love from the Provençal poets to the composers of the Ars Nova, proposed in the suggestive “uncovered” church of San Quirino, near Cormòns. Which guest will be the ensemble The Trobadores of Assisi.

Sunday 28at 21in the 18th century room from the church of S. Ignazioin Gorizia, is instead expected “Stella Splendens” with the Collegium Pro musica of Genoa.
“One of the objectives of Musica Cortese is to allow citizens to know and appreciate places usually closed to the public” – he underlined again Alessandra Cossi referring to the renowned hall.

After the August break, Musica Cortese will close in September. Thursday 26at 21again in the eighteenth century room of the church of S. Ignazio, will take placeLe parfait danser”, dance music of medieval Europe from the 13th to the 16th century with the ensemble of High Chapel Into the wind (France) in co-production with the Slovenian Festival “Flores Musicae” and the Kulturni Dom in Nova Gorica.

Finally, the grand finale will be held Saturday 28 Septemberat 21at Archaeological Museum of Cividalewith “Dechameron – The sound of the Decameron“, an exhibition ofPampinea ensemblecomposed of Slovenian, Swiss and Hong Kong musicians.

The 2024 edition of “Musica Cortese” is created with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Carigo Foundation and the Friuli Foundation. All its events are at free entry with reservation recommended by email [email protected].


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