Ballots, CON group to the Region: “The policy of listening, dialogue and participation won”

“The polls have spoken and have rewarded our commitment to a policy based on listening, dialogue and participation. This victory is the fruit of collective work, of an electoral campaign conducted with passion and dedication, of a shared vision of a more equitable and supportive society. Citizens know well that the centre-left area, with the fundamental contribution of CON which supported both Decaro in the European elections and the mayoral candidates in the administrative elections, is the only one capable of knowing how to govern our cities, protect citizens and fight attempts to divide our country.”. This is the comment of the CON council group to the Region on the results of the ballots in Bari, Lecce, Putignano, Santeramo, Manfredonia, San Severo, San Giovanni Rotondo and Copertino.
“It is also the triumph of values ​​and ideals that unite us – continues the CON note – and which have their highest expressions in the governor Michele Emiliano and Antonio Decaro who will now bring our voice to Europe. It is the confirmation of a policy that puts people, their needs and their hopes at the centre. It is the victory of a vision that looks to the future, which focuses on sustainability, innovation and social inclusion. We have demonstrated once again that it is possible to build a broad and varied coalition, capable of uniting progressive forces and structured civility in a common project, that of the wide field on the model created by governor Emiliano. This is the victory of all of us – we read again -: it is the triumph of hope over fear, of solidarity over inequalities, of progress over stagnation, of unity over attempts to divide.”
“Best wishes to the mayors who were elected in this electoral competition, even to those of the centre-right – concludes the comment from CON – good work with the hope that everyone is truly primus inter pares”./
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