Fedez: Iovino case, a witness in Far West: “I saw him leave”

Fedez: Iovino case, a witness in Far West: “I saw him leave”
Fedez: Iovino case, a witness in Far West: “I saw him leave”

The investigation of the program led by Salvo Sottile reconstructs the night of the beating of the personal trainer and collects a key testimony

Valentina Di Nino


Roman, degree in Political Sciences, journalist by chance. I have written for newspapers, weeklies, sites and agencies, mainly news and entertainment.

In the Monday 24 June episode of FarWestthe program led by Except Sottile dedicate ample space to Fedezstarting with the dark story of beating of Cristiano Iovino under the personal trainer’s house, in Milan, shortly after a heated argument with the rapper in the nightclub. The journalists of the Rai Tre program reconstructed the turbulent one night of April 21ststarting from The Club, one of the most exclusive nightclubs in Milan. Here they meet Fedez and Cristiano Iovinothe personal trainer who hit the headlines for sharing “a coffee” with Ilary Blasi, which according to her was much more, when she was still married to Francesco Totti. At 3 am, an argument breaks out between the two. According to what the investigators verified, her bodyguard was also there with the rapper, Christian Rosiello, described in the broadcast as an ultra and very close to the head, with a criminal record, of Milan’s southern curve. The two arguing are separated by security, then Iovino returns home and on the road he is beaten up by a group of attackers who got off a black minibus. The journalist of Wild West found a witness to Iovino’s beating, who gives a chilling account of that night, and of the fear with which he now lives: “I heard the screams, I got up, I didn’t see anyone being beaten but I heard a noise that sounded like meat pounding on a steak. If I was there they would have killed me as I am, those guys were very big. They threatened me, they asked for my documents. They wanted my cell phone to see who I had called, the photos, the address. They told me ‘I remember your face anyway, we know where to pick you up’. I was paralyzed because there were about ten people. I thought I was dying, the next day my pulse never dropped below 120 with peaks at 170, and when I saw a black van on the street my legs gave out.” The rapper has always denied having been at the scene of the beating but, asks Rebecca Pecori to the witness, was Fedez there that night in via Traiano? The man’s response: “I looked out and saw him. I just saw him go out, I don’t know if he participated, but he was here.”

The editor of the weekly is here to comment on the investigation People Umberto Brindani And Selvaggia Lucarelli who says: “We know very little about that night why Fedez never clarified anythingbut in fact he denied being there. He did not contribute to justicebut not even to the tranquility of this witness who is now afraid.”

Then in this story there is the anomalous behavior of Cristiano Iovino, who refuses to go to the emergency room and report the attack. According to what is rumored Fedez has found an economic agreement with Iovino who, in exchange for money, would have undertaken not to report it (an alleged agreement which, when the topic comes out on his social networks, the personal trainer does not deny).

“So Fedez saved himself from further complaints”, comments Lucarelli, assuming the existence of a “reparation” agreement between the two, “But I find this very funny because he, instead of responding to the law, from the heights of his economic possibilities, pay a person who has been beaten instead of facing the law. It’s a funny thing and inconsistent given that he often appealed to morality.”

But taking a step back, FarWest returns to the (physical) clash that saw Fedez lash out Diego Naska, guilty of having used an emoticon of amazement on a post that offended Chiara Ferragni. What emerges is that the methods of this first episode in some way follow those of the attack by unknown persons on Iovino. In fact, Naska speaks of “three against one”, a “van with five people inside” and “He had a human shield, six feet tall, 100 kg of muscles”.

“It doesn’t surprise me that the witness is scared now, because if I had seen a fight and had been asked for my documents, had my phone confiscated, I would have lived in terror”, Lucarelli flares up at the end of the report: “These are mafia methodsand whoever was there morally contributed to what happened, even if he hadn’t lifted a finger. The Naska affair is not an isolated event, it is a method that was being developed.”

“This new version of Fedez surprises me a lot: so far he wanted to tell us a fairy tale that it was a fake fairy tale, we are discovering the real Fedez now”, concludes Brindani, “I believe that this is the authentic one and it is not a nice sight, also because he should have the self-respect to assume his responsibilities, which is not seems capable of doing it.”

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