Corruption, meeting with Toti, interim president Piana and councilor Scajola: «Determined to move forward»

Ameglia. “We are determined to move forward with achieving our action and always ask, with full respect for the parties, that clarity be achieved as soon as possible.” These are the first words of the Interim President of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana after the meeting, together with the regional councilors Giacomo Giampedrone And Marco Scajola, with Governor Giovanni Toti under house arrest in his home in Ameglia. The meeting took place after the authorization given in recent days by the Genoa court, after the approval of the prosecutor’s office, which accepted the request presented by the lawyer Stefano Savi.

«We went with our colleagues and with the lawyer to meet Governor Toti – explained the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana – I must say that obviously with the considerations of the case I find him very tonic as always, very lucid and determined above all and this obviously encourages us to continue our political action as it has always been in recent years, respecting both the political programs and the chronopograms that concern all the action that follows. We are determined to achieve our action and always ask, with full respect for the parties, that clarity be clarified as soon as possible and Toti is the first to want him so that he can return as soon as possible to the leadership of the Region and continue that political action which has led to positive changes in our territory and above all has allowed us to enjoy, as the Liguria Region, that consideration which was probably missed in previous regional administrations and this is obviously demonstrated by all the PNRR funds which see the Liguria Region as holder of approximately 15.20% of the overall national PNRR funds and this demonstrates what has been done in recent years”.

«I don’t hide the pleasure of seeing Giovanni again after all this time – he added Marco Scajola -he is certainly saddened by the situation he is experiencing but he is lucid, toned, combative and is convinced of our excellent work in the interests of the Ligurians and Liguria. There was no talk of resignation in any way but of political action, of the mandate that we received from the Ligurians first in 2015 and then in 2020 with an extraordinary result to lead Liguria for the five-year period. There is a desire to work and do. What has been done from a political perspective is not denied but, on the contrary, what has been done is vindicated. With the utmost respect for the judiciary, we hope that it can carry out its work in the shortest possible time to see Giovanni again at the helm of Liguria: he has the right and duty to govern because thousands of Ligurians have chosen him.”

«It was an important discussion – concludes Scajola – which I believe also served to provide an overview of the political situation and for the continuation of this activity which we all intend to carry forward together until the end of the mandate. In these days before the meeting, many mayors contacted me who expressed their affection and their encouragement to move forward. We want to be optimistic about the future: we won’t go into the merits of the investigation but we hope that Toti can return to his place as soon as possible. The center-right wants to be united, a center-right in which civic strength is decisive. There is great unity and a desire to work together: we are moving as one flag of common sense, respect and love for our territory.”

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this