From prisoner to hero: “This is how I saved the 86-year-old trapped in the fire”

From prisoner to hero: “This is how I saved the 86-year-old trapped in the fire”
From prisoner to hero: “This is how I saved the 86-year-old trapped in the fire”

Salvatonica. “We saw it ugly. They were enough two seconds more And she would have died of burns“. He doesn’t want to be called a hero, Filippo Negrithe 28 year old boy from Ferrara who, on the morning of Monday 24 June, saved the life of86 year old Renata Ranzerthe elderly woman was burned in the fire flared up at close-up of the Salvatonica rectoryfirst carrying it on his shoulder and then climbing, step by step, the ladder with which he had succeeded to get to the window of the room where the woman was trapped.

That of Filippo, a guest for three days at the volunteer organization “Hospitality” managed by Don Giorgio Lazzaratoit’s a story of social redemptionof those that are good for the heart to those who read them and to those who tell them. After a difficult past with justice, in fact, also marked by a period of detention in prisonthe young man is finishing his sentence under house arrest in the Bondenese structure, where today a project began social reintegration process.

Of him, all guests speak wellThey call him a “golden and altruistic boy”, while patting him on the shoulder and they thank him for having risked his life In the desperate attempt to save another.

“I was in the bathroom on the first floor – says the young man, while observing the firefighters at work – when the fire broke out. I went out and to the right I initially saw a small fire. So I went down for ask for help and look for a fire extinguisher to turn it off immediately and when I got back up fire it had already spread quicklyattacking on some clothes that were to be hung out, on wood and mattresses. Time two seconds and the whole plan was done enveloped in black smoke“.

Trapped, in her room, there was Mrs. Renata. “I went out again and, after finding a ladder, I took her down” he adds, reviewing the rescue which occurred not without some difficulty. “We had the short scale – says the 28 year old – and therefore, after picking up the lady, we also had to jump from the window to the ladder. She was of an agility incredible, but even if we didn’t find the ladder, something was done. She couldn’t be left to die, even if we had a bad time“.

There was a lot of fear, especially given what it could have been and – fortunately – wasn’t. “Two more seconds were enough – he concludes – and she would have died of burns“.

Helping him was Luciano Bruschi, a 54-year-old agricultural entrepreneur, whose property borders that of the church: it was he who provided him with the ladder. “The lady was willing to throw herself down” says the farmer, who immediately after the rescue phoned the firefighters and 118 health workers, who arrived on site with trucks, air ambulances, ambulances and medical vehicles, together with the carabinieri. “I warned that there were burn victims – says Bruschi – and they arrived in a short time here to help us right away“.

For both, the mayor Simone Saletti has made it known that he will take action to organize an event to thank them publicly.

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